So Chase, how was your trip? You say you just got back, but tell us nothing about how it went or whether you had a good time or anything exciting that happened or post any interesting photos you took or anything. You got us all excited about going and this is all you're going to say about it. C'mon - give us some details. Certainly you must have some entertaining stories to tell about what happened.
For me, "today" started at 3:30AM my time (Eastern US time) - I just couldn't sleep any more. Things seem very quiet - hardly any activity here (I suppose this isn't a very active time for our membership - it's even still a bit early in the UK). In the meantime, I'm going through the forums looking for threads with no replies that aren't so ancient that they are essentially dead by now to see if a bit of research (none of them are easy or someone would have already answered) can help me provide some sort of answer (or perhaps even an educated guess or generic option to see if the Thread Starter is still interested) or at least some questions to ask to try to learn more about the problem to be able to then be able to give a better reply or spark some interest from others. I hate seeing posts with no replies. Somehow it seems like we're dropping the ball.
Once it gets to a reasonable hour, I have to get back my car ($800 for a fuel pump and relay!) - but at least they offer free pickup at your home to the service station so I don't need a taxi. Then I need to find a way to get my "dead" camper off my property (nobody I know has a vehicle with a hitch and the donation companies all use flatbed trucks and refuse to drive across my yard to get to the camper - and it weighs 3000 lbs. so I'm not about to drag it to the driveway even with a few people to help) - so far the best bet seems to be the county though they charge $91 to do it but they're required to do it so at least it will get done (but I haven't given up hope on getting it done for free yet). Then besides posting here, I think I'll do some computer maintenance - image backup, cleanup, malware scans, checking event viewer, and the like. Otherwise, my day seems like it might be clear at this point. We'll see how things go as it progresses.