I'm the happiest I've been in a while,
Here's the situation--
When I was in JR school I met someone and became great mates with her, we was so close. She was a foster child, her mum was seriously ill and was unable to look after her and her 2 sisters, she was taken in by some family friends that live round the corner to me, like a could of roads away. It was coming to the end of year 6 and we both had a place at secondary school, her foster parents told my parents that she had to move away, my parents tried everything they could to keep her on the island.
Eventually she was moved away to somewhere near Basildon, kinda close to me. We sent to see her but her new foster family didn't want me to contact her, or have anything to do with her, like they wanted me out of her life.
<Insert 5 year gap here>
Well, a few weeks ago my mum started doing a local market with our sweet stall, she got talking to the trader opposite us and found out that her daughters went to the same school we thought that this girl was at. The next week the lady bought her daughters up to the market, my mum exchanged numbers with them.
Today my mum got a text with what she thought was the girls number, so my mum went ahead and dropped her a text, and got a reply. I knew nothing about this.
So anyways, my mum tells me whats happened, shows me the texts and gives me her number.
If anyone knows me well, they'd know that I'm pretty cool taking to people, but idk, I just went quiet, so I called her, and it was definitely her, y'no, you just know it's the right person. I was on the phone for about half an hour to her, added her on facebook and that.
I'm just so amazed and speechless that I actually found her, like, I can't describe how happy I am at the moment, don't think anything can bring me down