Open an Elevated Command Prompt window
run the following three commands, and then leave the window open
TAKEOWN /F C:\Windows\System32\migwiz\dlmanifests /R /A
ICACLS C:\Windows\System32\migwiz\dmanifests /grant:r Administrators:(F) /T
MD C:\Windows\System32\migwiz\dlmanifests\TEMP03
Open Windows Explorer
Navigate to the
C:\Windows\System32\migwiz folder
order the file list in date order by clicking on the column header
highlight all files with the date of 5th Jan 2008
right-click on the highlight and select
right-click on the
TEMP03 folder and select
Close all windows apart from the Command Prompt
run the following Command
answer Y to the request to run on reboot.
close the window, and reboot.
CHKDSK should run, and will probably reboot again.
once Windows is up, open a Command Prompt window, and run the following commands
DIR C:\Windows\System32\migwiz\dlmanifests /od >>%userprofile%\desktop\noeldir.txt
DIR C:\Windows\System32\migwiz\dlmanifests\TEMP03 >>%userprofile%\desktop\noeldir.txt
This will create a new file on your desktop
'noeldir.txt' - attach the file, together with a new copy of the latest WININIT event (for the CHKDSK results) to a response and await my feedback before doing ANYTHING else!
I'll upload a file to run (if necessary) to delete any found 'repaired' files
run that
if necessary, and the next job is to run another CHKDSK, and see if the files are rebuilt again
run the CHKDSK C: /F and afterward, run
DIR C:\Windows\System32\migwiz /od >>%userprofile%\desktop\noeldir2.txt
This will create a second file - attach that to a reply and wait.
In theory, the second one should be clear, and we can then reset the permissions and ownership on the remaining files, run the SFC to replace the missing files, and check that all files are present and correct, and the system functions properly
Again - please ask questions before committing, if I've not been clear!
...if we do find that we missed any files, and this process works, we can repeat it later with new parameters