Wow, I just sat back down at my desk here again to look at mail and my phone dinged, it does that I have the notifications on.
Windows, how can that be? I would need that Pr----- K-- ?? are you saying what here? would it fully install? I could not get into the bios to change any set up there, this is a legal copy and nothing. My worries are that if I get it installed will I have major issues after that? I just like easy, is that bad? my time is limited and its been awhile since I turned a corner like this. If I thought it would be a success, yes I would like to get back into it. I researched Itunes, and Lightscribe, all of it and as long as once I get in, that my device driver co-operates, well then lightscribe driver and all of it should work.
I just dont have alot of time to mess around these days, I actually was able to work on my card (business card) in other programs but my gosh, I had to go through this that and the other thing to do it. Picture It covers it all. The copy and paste to disk was great too. I'm trying to think, it also had windows picture and fax viewer and that was a beauty. If I install it I will install both, Microsoft 2001 suite and 2002, why? one does a little more than the other but thats fine. I have the option of installing whatever I want, it has word, callender, all kinds of goodies in which I am presently being pressured to pay for, like, Microsoft word.
thanks for jumping on the bandwagon again.