A challenge for me,

Hey Windows..

What are you saying here? that I can install the Dell on this HP machine? seems like I tried that and it didnt work before, heck I dont know.

I have a drivers and utilities disk right here in from of me, Drivers and Utilities,..all Dell and its for XPS 8300 tower, can this be used on my laptop? I digging around here I will be back..

My Computer

Ok, well, I must sound a little fruity today..

I rested not ALL NIGHT...so..let me try this again, I have a Windows XP disk that can be performed on any pc, then I have others for Dell that may not be able to perform.. I was just hoping this re-installation Dell XPS Drivers abd utilitiesfor a 8300 box may wrapp up the drivers issues, just tired and looking for an easy out. Its sounds easier than it looks to get this scooter fueled, I will let it sit on my brain for a time, after my coffee, ha!

Thank you..


My Computer

Yes, I suppose fruity is the right word.

Just hold on a second, I'll see if I can find you a windows 7 .iso file so you can install using a 7 disc that you'll create yourself and from there you can use product key on the dell cd for windows7.

What kind of windows 7 disc is it? Home premium/ultimate/ professional etc

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    HP Pavilion G6
    750GB HDD 6GB RAM
    Graphics card(s)
    AMD A6-3400M APU with Radeon HD Graphics
    Internet Speed

I wont need that if I install this Windows XP. at least I shouldnt need it, just those drivers so I am looking back over the information, I guess my big concern is that driver still working, I am doing some research now.

Thank you, have an aspirin on me? LOL, or some fruit loops,


My Computer

Oh you're going back to XP? Boy am I confused.

Just tell me the name of your computer and i'll find out in a few secs.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    HP Pavilion G6
    750GB HDD 6GB RAM
    Graphics card(s)
    AMD A6-3400M APU with Radeon HD Graphics
    Internet Speed
Ok, well, I may challenge myself to actually do this, if I download the back up driver thingy you left the link too, then try to re-install this Windows XP disk, I then can go to my device manager clk on the open trees and choose update driver and poof it will be as easy as that you say?

The only other thing is... I cant remember why I could not install this disk in the first place, going back to it now to see what the errors were.

If I can open up the time I need to do this then I can accomplish it. Hopefully without headaches.


My Computer

Ok, well, I may challenge myself to actually do this, if I download the back up driver thingy you left the link too, then try to re-install this Windows XP disk, I then can go to my device manager clk on the open trees and choose update driver and poof it will be as easy as that you say

Yes its that easy. I did it myself (similar situation) just followed those steps and poof my internet, sound, and wifi was working.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    HP Pavilion G6
    750GB HDD 6GB RAM
    Graphics card(s)
    AMD A6-3400M APU with Radeon HD Graphics
    Internet Speed
Sorry, well its just I have this copy of Windows XP right in front of me, the one you purchase at the store and didnt know if possibly the drivers are already on it, and or to use one of the Dell OS that I already have as well, I think it will be XP but only if ( I dare say ) that drive wont screw up.

Listen, should we call you Jet instead of Windows? your speeding right along here and I am lagging as a turtle, sorry. If I do this, wiping my brow...sweating bullets, it may take a day, it will take a day, I will do it Saturday but it freaks me out. Windows, shouldnt this disk you purcahse at the store have the drivers all on it?

Now, below is what happens when I try to put that Microsoft Windows XP disk in..this is what stopped me the first time, it wouldnt read or go any further.

This program is blocked dud to compatibility issues

Set up cannot continue because the version of Windows on your computer is newer than the verion on the CD

Sorry for the mess up here, where is that mop...

My Computer

The disk you purchase at the store will not contain any drivers.

You are getting that error because you are running it while the computer is on.

Try rebooting and change your BIOS settings (press F11 or whatever) so that it boots from the CD.

Did you use that driver genius link I gave you to backup your drivers and copy + paste them into a folder on your D:/ drive?

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    HP Pavilion G6
    750GB HDD 6GB RAM
    Graphics card(s)
    AMD A6-3400M APU with Radeon HD Graphics
    Internet Speed
Well that was my thought there on that disk, no I have not performed these steps as I could not finish up the work much less get it started unless I have the day open, that is my plan to organize each move in order to ensure my steps. Windows, I did not do that as of yet. This is why I was waiting for an open day and not a work day. I have never adventured into my D drive,< recovery drive to find a folder, this too is something I have to mark my steps on, I was just re-reading the entire post here and writing my steps as I go. I have to do some explorations on this drive D for the moment, then I must cook, duty calls. But, yes..doing the steps thing.


My Computer


I created a folder, so it appears, its under that directory so my hope is it will be within the body of the D drive itself because I really couldnt get into the D recover drive, I get a sign with fair warning not to change anything or do anything and it shuts me out. So, I opened it up to the drop down tree there and just added a file stating XP drivers, I suppose this will be part of that drive now.

Once I establish those drivers from the URL you gave me I will copy and paste them into that folder and see if I can move the folder into that D recovery drive, otherwise they will just linger in the tree form there.


My Computer


The directory should be:

D:/XP Drivers

But yeah, you have to right idea.

Once I establish those drivers from the URL you gave me I will copy and paste them into that folder and see if I can move the folder into that D recovery drive, otherwise they will just linger in the tree form there.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    HP Pavilion G6
    750GB HDD 6GB RAM
    Graphics card(s)
    AMD A6-3400M APU with Radeon HD Graphics
    Internet Speed
Ok, well now I'm lost,

I thought it was suppose to be on my Vista (copy the Vista drivers) onto the D< because the only D I have is a recovery drive period. drive D, Remember, I have not downloaded the Driver back up yet, I think that is where we are spilling the coffee and staining the carpet. Once I do that, then back up the drivers in Vista to that folder I created and then when the installation is completed go to the tree device manager and update the drivers. I think we are just hitting and missing here. I'm not that good at this..

Is this D:/XP drivers on the Back-up utility? if so, I have not downloaded it yet.


My Computer

Lol no.

D:/XP drivers is the directory/address.

D:/ is the recovery drive thing.
XP drivers is the name of the folder that you made.

This is all going on your vista.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    HP Pavilion G6
    750GB HDD 6GB RAM
    Graphics card(s)
    AMD A6-3400M APU with Radeon HD Graphics
    Internet Speed

Well we are on a smoother path now, not so rocky, whewww, well that is what I mean there. I am now downloading this back up utility tool you recommended. I will gracefully bow out until it installs.

Hold fast

My Computer


Everything in this Back up Utility is greyed out, I cant copy and paste anything, even if I drop the tree down, I have the toolbar buttons on top to utilize but everything continues to be greyed out. ?? its wanting me to update all my drivers first, should I chance this? didnt know they were outdated, how is that possible if I just did a fresh install and updated the entire pc, two days later a handful of drivers are outdated?

6 driver packages containing 22 drivers out of date?? how is that possible? I had 80 updates on this thing with a fresh install and it said my pc was up to date.

My Computer

Lol, ignore that, they actually are outdated but it isnt important right now.

Download this little tool called "teamviewer" google it and it will let me "take control" of your computer temporarily.

I just want to see what you mean by "Greyed out" and I can do the backup for you.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    HP Pavilion G6
    750GB HDD 6GB RAM
    Graphics card(s)
    AMD A6-3400M APU with Radeon HD Graphics
    Internet Speed

Well I just updated them all, and was getting ready to back them up into that folder I chose in the
D directory, I chose all of them? but, just hit the back button in time.

And, unless your around later I need to begin cooking dinner or my husband is going to fall apart here. I would love the assistance, would you be around later? dont know that time zone there. Its 5:37 pm here. I'm going to head to the kitchen, I chose the back button and did not put them in that folder. I'm going to hold my breath here, take care of the husband and see about downloading that tool to let you perform here, I just dont want to mess things up.


My Computer

Its 3:42PM here, I'm sure we'll find a common time for the help.

Click the "create a backup of my drivers" button and copy + paste the folder that will be made on your desktop, into the folder you made in your D directory.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    HP Pavilion G6
    750GB HDD 6GB RAM
    Graphics card(s)
    AMD A6-3400M APU with Radeon HD Graphics
    Internet Speed