I wouldnt get it. Its redundant, and there are still bugs in it. I would just use NOD32 4 Antivirus/Antispyware, Defender, Vista Firewall, Hardware firewall, and IE8
G'Day rive0108,
For the past 2 years I've been a subscriber to MS Windows Live OneCare and like many others in the same situation, I'm now scrambling around looking for a suitable anti-virus program to take over from WLOC.
WLOC is about to be dispatched to the waste-bin by Microsoft, in favour of the new malware program
Morro, which I understand will be made available 'free' to anyone running Windows. Obviously, MS have conceded that other AV developers do a far better job than they can in that field of software, and it appears that MS have now dumped that from their development portfolio. Not sure though, about MS Malicious Software Removal Tool that usually comes with the monthly MS Updates.
At my post here,
http://www.vistax64.com/windows-live/226437-windows-live-onecare-dead-alternatives.html , I've outlined some alternative protective measures that I'm considering, but your post here has me second thinking the issue, because you have introduced ESET NOD32 Antivirus 4, to the selective mix.
First of all, by
Defender and
Vista Firewall, I'm presuming you mean
Windows Defender and
Windows Firewall, both standard applications included with Windows Vista - Home Premium Version?
Second, can you explain what you mean by
Hardware Firewall, and give an example please? IE8, I have already installed, although I do use Firefox 3.0.10 as my default [with 'No Script' Add-on, unlike IE - no crashes since installing in Nov.08].
Third, so based on your suggestions, I should be thinking along the lines of;
Windows Defender,
Windows Firewall,
ESET NOD32 Antivirus 4, and a
Hardware Firewall (?), as my protective applications, in lieu of Windows Live OneCare security applications?
Your comment?