Today I'm off school again since I was pretty ill late Sunday night / early Monday morning, so yeah, sucks being ill :huh:
Tried to get into school today but came home after first lesson cause I had some really bad stomach pains. Atm I'm trying to find stuff to do, there's hardly any players on the SA:MP servers, just talking to a few admins right now and I can't help my parents with stuff around the house because I feel so drained.
Maybe I'll go on Mario Kart for a while...
I really hope that you feel better very soon...
Anyway, we just had a disaster. Our massive fibreglass garage door, the biggest the manufacturer made for 2 cars, easily, just had a major disaster!
It is motorised, and has two massive springs, on either side. The bolt holding one of these just sheared through, and the spring smashed up, smashing some plastic, smashing some wood, getting it on the wrong side of the door, so that it it jammed in the door, and then hit the fibreglass causing some minor cracking. It also screwed the door to a bad angle, and damaged the roller rails.
Oh dear. With about an hours effort, we have unjammed the door, while sitting on these dangerous springs, and then disengaged these springs. My arms are now very tired from pushing down springs and pushing around fibreglass without the usual two springs (even in a powercut, you are still assisted by the strings)
The springs are now disengaged, and the door balancing precariously on boxes on a car roof and and bars.
Now to call in some guys to replace the bolt, to lathe the wood which caused this, and get the holding pins replaced.