You're either talking to multiple sets of people / using multiple forums, or else you're not listening very carefully.
Read the post right before yours and see where Fumz said anything about flashing the BIOS....he didn't.
Now, if you told us what motherboard you have or checked yourself, you could see if you need a BIOS flash or not.
My first advice to you - ***slow*** ***down***.
Take it from the top, and *read* everything that has been posted carefully. don't read 2 or 3 words and go off half-cocked and start dong things.
Fumz already called you out on this last post -
If all else fails, follow the directions.
You cannot just start running through buying new hardware willy nilly and hope that it all works together because they both fit in the same slots. That's like saying you can put diesel in a gasoline combustion engine because the nozzles happen to fit....
This is not something that you want to take 5 seconds to fix - because a 5 second fix now 99/100 times leads to a 3 day fix further down the line. You need patience, and understanding.
You do have at least one thing going for you though - you like to ask questions - and that is a very good thing - it means there is still some caution in you....
Now, getting back to the issues - first install CPUID's CPU-Z, remove one set of RAM, and make a screen shot of the Memory tab. Now do the same with the other RAM installed (notice, in both of these instances, only one set is installed - we want one set and then then the set - not both sets together.