You are going to just remember the day that you made the decision to come to the forum. How would you like word for free? Changed the name to protect the innocent, but
here it is.
Hello again Richard. Thanks again for the link. I have tried to view the product as I have seen similar versions of word being offered free. All of my files were written in Microsoft word XP 2000/2007 and usually they automatically update whatever version I am using.
I know Microsoft word like the back of my hand. Some of these similar versions do cause problems for my written files, which is why I asked how similar they are to Microsoft word, and will they be compatible.
Once I download, it if I begin to use it to write with it, it may convert the files and then create further problems down the line when I use other computers instead on my home based one for continued writing and those computers will always be Microsoft word XP 2000/2007.
I just am being cautious.
I shall however, download it and see but if it is just a similar product my concerns are about the downloads of my files which are over 4 GB of Microsoft word data files. I am something of a prolific writer.
Anyways I shall download it and take a look-see thank you again.
Oh and now I had a sleep it was F8 I opened to locate the logon with repair file.
Before using it, I did a command prompt fsc/scannow scan. My computer seems to have righted the problem now. Therefore, I am buzzing.