Check back later, you will be surprised at all that I will give you.
Hello again Richard.
Well that is a lot of help links thankyou I shall go and investigate. I also saved the links into word pad for easy access. I did defrag just before I logged off and also did a sweep clean with internet Norton security as I always do just in case.
When I logged on to day though as usual it starts with a disc checking but sadly again it says the check was cancelled and so the problem is still there bugging me. I have a few possabilities fo help plus a suggestion the problem might be occuring because at the same time other things on the computer are preparing to upload and that may be what is cancelling the disc checking.
I am not keen in locking out other things that upload my computer but I may have no choice and certainly I will be investigating.
Gladly though at present my computer still goes. It did freeze for a time when I downloaded microsoft live messenger but I am sure it was not because of messenger but that the computer was still thinking as it was logging everything in. I always expect instance action and not being used to waiting for stuff to happen I get cracking right away giving no opertunity for everything to setttle.
It all works fine now though and so these other problems are not pending.
I am now going to take a good look into those links you kindly sent to me thank you again for them that is most thoughful.
I was wondering if it is because of Vista as to why defrgmentation goes so fast. On computers with Microsoft XP you de frag and get to watch a screen closing down all the gaps and it can tale a little while to complete. But when done as you watched you know something was done.
The Computer I am now using is a windows Vista operating system which is a whole other experiance. When I click defrag it is all over and done with in a minute or two. No other screen that I am aware of to watch the process being done. I know it all is working as it also defragged my memory stick which was a new one for me.
Plus this computer I have is a Acer aspite Vista home premium model M1610 and it is a lot newer than any of my previous computers that I have worked on. It is so modern it does not even know what a floppy disc is. Although I have considered installing one as they also can have their uses.
I was just wondering if you might know how long it should take for any windows Vista to defrag something? Just a curiosity. Mybe there is a screen of it all happening but it escaped my attention when exploring. Plus now Norton Utilies has taken over such things as defragging it is like I have two de frag oertunities. No screen appears on either just a spinning circle and a statement of which drive is getting zapped. I thought C Drives was the largest yet that takes less time to defrag.
I shall have to start reading the manual.
Anyways nice chatting thanks again for the Links take care Byee.
At the moment everything near enough that I have installed is microsoft bound. After all they invented the things didnt they.