My Problems with check and repair disc errors.

My computer already had windows Vista installed when i bought it from the shop.

I moaned at the shop owner because I thought it had microsft word installed but it was a trial version and came to an end a week after I bought it. So I would not be keen to go back asking for a disc. He would have that disc in my view.

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I know that you disagree, but I have seen this precise problem, before. In almost all cases it is a defective hard drive. Try to defrag.

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I do not have a vista install dvd. It was installed already when i bought the machine. It is registered with microsft so maybe their support team might help.

This things of offering free downloads is a mega problem. Uni Blue is one that really keeps the end result hidden until all the downloads and scans have taken place. Usually when it says free download it means you can istall it for free but after you use it in any scan it will not do the deed instead they demand you register and to do that you have to buy it. On almost all sites where they say free downloads there is that catch.

The only place where that scam is not done is with microfot .com. If they say free download it means just that. But most other sites one of the most annoying one being uni blu you will have to buy the product.

I further add as I mention uni blu. It often can be hell to get rid of it off your comouter when it becomes installed. It caused me to gnash my teeth often. Even when you think its gone it re appears.

Furthermore they offered a free virus and whatever check scan. Then they claim there are hundreds of errors on the computer when all along there is probably none. I have Internet security with Norton and it did a deep scan removing all sorts of cookies from the register all nothing to cause a problem and the system was clean including using Norton utilities. Usually very thorough.

I got snapped by Uni blu who often hide their identity till the end and it claimed errors on my computer that did not exist. I even used windows defender and it said it was clear. But uni blu claimed hundreds of non existant errors to make you so paranoid you buy their product.

I personally think I shall stick with microsoft products thanks. I just thought i would share this with you so you become more wary.

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I know that you disagree, but I have seen this precise problem, before. In almost all cases it is a defective hard drive. Try to defrag.

Oddly I have had a few hassles with the defrag as well a few times. But I keep on top of the problem. Recently it hasnt been a problem. I shall be defragging after this session actually. I must go soon. So thankyou for your help anyways. I shall take you advice and defrag.

Had I been able to system restore which i could last week then whatver the provblem it would have been sorted out. Eventually I will get to the bottom of it all though as I will find the specific problem.

You could be right it could be a hard drive malfunction but it had to have occured recently. My system restore worked fine not that long ago.

My computer never gets knocked or moved in fact it is complacent. And unusually silent when in action.

That is why I felt electronic problem perhaps another thing interfering with the program that I have not noticed.

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There are free defrag softwares that I can suggest, if interested; in addition to free back up.

These really are free as I have them.

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The purpose of this Forum is to help and to teach. Your comments are very appropriate and much appreciated. You have helped and taught all those that will read your comments. We have a large membership and very often when a questions is googled, this forum is one of the suggested answers. Your comments are now available worldwide. Thank You

Well you are very welcome Richard.

I will continue to visit here as I am sure perhaps another solution or idea is on the horizon as to what is bugging my system. I am sure you will be right that I will have to consult the manufacturer. I know a friend who does also have windows Vista home edition. Unfortunately I only meet her now and again yet inevitably. Perhaps she may be able to help restore the system.

I was given some links to restore vista but when it was all downloaded and saved to a disc it could not be opened unless I bought the access code. Oh my God it just never ends. However, Vista is a microsoft system and their think tank are very helpful diagnosing certain problems in fact probably all I do not doubt and so perhaps they have some input.

Anyways Richard it has been nice meeting you. I have to go but if you have another idea by all means point it this way after all one never knows a solution until the puzzle becomes solved. Bye.

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You seem like a very nice person. Pleasure talking (or at least typing) with you.

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There are free defrag softwares that I can suggest, if interested; in addition to free back up.

These really are free as I have them.

Well the links would be apreciated as all data is useful. I have Norton secuirity and they also have a defrag thingy. I actually like the format of Norton security and it has been very effective so far as I have had some things attacking my computer who got cought out with whatever they were up to. I have yet to look at the logs to see who was up to what. I know I am saved because of Norton Internet security.

Their utilities cleans disc very well in fact perhaps too well. :) However, if i run into any defrag problems I will let you know. Bye again...

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Check back later, you will be surprised at all that I will give you.

Free scan for malware. To be used in conjuction with your anti virus. I use it, and it is excellent.

Disc defrag, valuable since you are having problems

A new give away every day

A cornucopia of Vista knowledge

Free Back up software

Maiantenance suggestions from a self proclaimed expert

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Check back later, you will be surprised at all that I will give you.

Hello again Richard.

Well that is a lot of help links thankyou I shall go and investigate. I also saved the links into word pad for easy access. I did defrag just before I logged off and also did a sweep clean with internet Norton security as I always do just in case.

When I logged on to day though as usual it starts with a disc checking but sadly again it says the check was cancelled and so the problem is still there bugging me. I have a few possabilities fo help plus a suggestion the problem might be occuring because at the same time other things on the computer are preparing to upload and that may be what is cancelling the disc checking.

I am not keen in locking out other things that upload my computer but I may have no choice and certainly I will be investigating.

Gladly though at present my computer still goes. It did freeze for a time when I downloaded microsoft live messenger but I am sure it was not because of messenger but that the computer was still thinking as it was logging everything in. I always expect instance action and not being used to waiting for stuff to happen I get cracking right away giving no opertunity for everything to setttle.

It all works fine now though and so these other problems are not pending.

I am now going to take a good look into those links you kindly sent to me thank you again for them that is most thoughful.

I was wondering if it is because of Vista as to why defrgmentation goes so fast. On computers with Microsoft XP you de frag and get to watch a screen closing down all the gaps and it can tale a little while to complete. But when done as you watched you know something was done.

The Computer I am now using is a windows Vista operating system which is a whole other experiance. When I click defrag it is all over and done with in a minute or two. No other screen that I am aware of to watch the process being done. I know it all is working as it also defragged my memory stick which was a new one for me.

Plus this computer I have is a Acer aspite Vista home premium model M1610 and it is a lot newer than any of my previous computers that I have worked on. It is so modern it does not even know what a floppy disc is. Although I have considered installing one as they also can have their uses.

I was just wondering if you might know how long it should take for any windows Vista to defrag something? Just a curiosity. Mybe there is a screen of it all happening but it escaped my attention when exploring. Plus now Norton Utilies has taken over such things as defragging it is like I have two de frag oertunities. No screen appears on either just a spinning circle and a statement of which drive is getting zapped. I thought C Drives was the largest yet that takes less time to defrag.

I shall have to start reading the manual.

Anyways nice chatting thanks again for the Links take care Byee.

At the moment everything near enough that I have installed is microsoft bound. After all they invented the things didnt they.

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The giveaway site leads to another UNI BLU registry cleanup thing again. They are on a sales campain everywhere I think I mentioned them to you earlier. See they do get about. I am sure they have products that do work but they will want the product paid for eventually. I dont mind paying for a useful product but Internet Security from Norton and its utilities does all those jobs for me and clean and fix any registry problems.

Norton Internet security also states warnings that other such similar protection programmes can make the task of security issues becoming invalid as they can react badly when interacting with each other on tasks they were designed to protect.

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I also add by the way UNI BLU do give that free scan however, you have to download their product desktop Item onto your computer to start that scan it will scan even if you are not connected to the Internet and by then it is already inviting itself around your computer system and I speak from experiance that it can be very tough to remove and then after the free scan it always says it has found X amount of problems that it can fix for a fee. So you then must buy their product or erase it if ever you can as it hides in your system waiting to appear again some later date. No matter how diligent you are.

Its a way of giving away their product and then frightening people into feeling they must have their product to fix problems their products claim exist on your machine.

As I have said I have a scan from Norton Secutiry everytime I log off and I clean all registries daily and often. It is very efficient.

UNI BlU scanns claim to have found problems on my computer that could not exist and so I know it was not telling the truth.

I truly believe that the download and the appearing to be a free scan when it is not a fixing it scan and that it is pre programmed to claim that this or that problem exists on your computer when it does not.

They must have done that intentionally and pre programmed their registry cleaners to claims they have found errors in order to convince you to buy their programmes.

Furthermore, these registry scans are usually clocking cookies that simply contain a memory of particular sites you visit links and such likes to make the computer move faster while linking. They are not generally harmful or considered to be harmful more that they are just a might be sending information not that they are and so a low priority.

I wonder if UNI BlU realise they also create paranoi with this form of sales tactic.

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Glad that you like the links.

Regarding defrag, there is not set rule, but I would say a few minutes is not long enough. I would say with a large HD at least half an hour. You may want to make a system restore point, download another defragger (I sent you a link) and try. You can get rid of it easy, if not liked with System Restore. Actually, you should do that with anything that you download.
I can tell you are an astute, intelligent person with a thirst for knowledge, good for you.
Because you are such an individual, I know that you appreciate links like this.
The link is quite applicable for Vista.

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Hello again Richard,yes the links are useful and soon I shall be exploring them all in more details. As for the defrag situation. I have not had this computer long. Just before June actually. It was cleaned of programmes and just had trials and a few programmes naturally installed with windows Vista and so the hard drive will be virtually empty. This could also account for the swiftness of the hard drive de frag. As the defrag is a part and parcel of the system i would not delete it. Not until I knew everything about the system and also what I would be replacing it with.

I had long while ago downloaded registry tools. I never got around to opening it up. But at present I am not keen to change the defrag thing just yet until I examine what I have on this system further. But I will be bearing it in mind. I am just getting to grips with windows prompt. I quite lack placing my codes into that windows and seeing the computer at work. I got a code of how to reset everything to default and so I am about to embark on that little mission after my net surf to the various forums i visit. My times soon gets taxed. :)

The link went to windows 7 have you got that installed. I wonder how it compares to XP or Vista. Seems like that is the next way to go. It is too bad they all cost around the £300 pound mark and we have to reset or install previous programmes of this and that. It could be cheaper for all to be able to afford and easier for enticements.

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I upgraded from Vista when 7 first came out and like it better. I know that the link is for 7, but all the products work equally well with Vista.

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I upgraded from Vista when 7 first came out and like it better. I know that the link is for 7, but all the products work equally well with Vista.

Then I shall be taking a good look see. I was just exploring the vista tutorial list on the link you gave studying the maintanace and hard drives. It has not got to the gritty bits just yet.

It doesnt help with paradise lost starting on the telly in the background its a horror movie I have not seen yet. Its OK I started taping it. :)

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I was just reading the forum and another poster was saying the same thing I said about there not being a chart to watch whiles vista is defragging as there are on other computer systems such as XP They do love that Disc defrag, auslogics you recommend so it shows a chart, now I have temptation calling me. :)

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