i dont have any problem its only the disc cleanup not working. is it ok to disregard the disc cleanup and will not affect the performance of my computer? i read some people use ccleaner, are they the same function?
Yes but use Glary Utilities. The best free cleaner. I'd like to fix this but if it isn't affecting anything . . You could check event viewer for a description of the crash if there is something listed.
Glary Utilities is an enhanced version of disk cleanup. It won't affect it. On the right of event viewer choose filter and then tick error. Then look through them, then clear the filter on the right, then check again for critical errors.
hi frostmourne, i downloaded the glary utilities and it works fine. i think ill just leave the disc cleanup the way it is. and glary is far more better. maybe when the windows 7 is already available ill just upgrade my computer. i want to thank you for all the help you gave and i appreciate very much all your effort in fixing my problem.
Note that when a new version of glary comes out, download it but DON'T run it. Uninstall the old one first. Then install. Also, ignore the memory manager.
ok. so much for this. i've have known the glary bcoz of you so i want to thank you again, just want to inform you that my computer is running fast now its like a brand new. im happy again. just in case for any problem again can i contact you again next time?