Hello! I am having the a similar problem with my laptop that I just got for school. I have had it almost a year now with out a problem and then all of a sudden (it started like 3 months ago) I have lost the ability to connect to the internet through the university's network. I have had several people look at it, even the university's computer repair specialists and none of then knew what to do! Im so lost! The warranty on my laptop is up at the end of this week and I just don't have the money to keep getting it looked at.
Heres what Ive noticed thats different about my laptop:
When I turn it on or restart it, before it get to where I log into it, It displays a message saying to press Shift-F10 to configure Realtek Rtl8139.... However when you press it the computer freezes and then needs to be manually shut off as it will sit there for hours displaying the same thing.
When I am connected to the University's network, I am connected and can share files with other students, but i cannot receive an internet connection.
I cant even get internet at home via wire, in order to get internet now i have to get it through WiFi.
When I took my computer down to get looked at this is what they found:
When in the Ipconfig/all:
Under Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC #2
Physical Address.........................FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF
But they didn't know how to fix it.
I even called HP/ Compaq, and they were absolutely no help what so ever, not only did they not solve the problem, I spent well over 6 hours on the phone with someone that I could barely hear or understand and then I was left with an empty computer because the guy thought that it would "help" my situation if I erased everything and returned the laptop to its original factory state.
Im tired of wasting my time and my money, Someone please help... I am going to be going back to school in less than 5 weeks and as any college student knows you cannot get anything done unless you have a functioning computer with functioning internet.