I have to agree with you -peope who do not have the ability to debate in a mature, sensible manner, with appropriate language use, should not partake.
I would not be so quick to jump on a dog-pile of the 'tin hats'. To start with, there was a 'pounce' made and several 'bad' words were scooped up, and deleted with them the phrase, "screwed-up". That term is accepted nowadays by the FCC in public broadcasting. (they are one of the most regulated foul-word detectors we have here). My reprimand was reversed FYI
It would be appropriate to remind some here that the most closed-minded and quickest tempered people I have run into are NOT the Conservatives :eek: SO, who would that be then?
Even though I have mixed feelings about the ambitions of the whole Bush Dynasty, those who will not give any credit to 'W' for keeping Al-Qaeda out of here since 9-11 are foolish.
"You-know-Who' has achieved nothing meaningfully positive, but he can sure spend OUR money like a drunken sailor on shore leave. Said 'money' is being created by the FED printing more DOLLARS thereby devaluating what is in your pocket!
Ever wonder why so many economists insist that "the economy will turn itself around if left alone"? Why was the BIG DEPRESSION under Roosevelt drawn out by governmnet intervention/ meddling?
Who are you 'gonna believe Educated Economists of the Government?