I hate to revive a very dead thread but this guy is still high on the Google results list.
I was wondering if you ever found a resolution?
Also, was the old drive a regular drive and the new one an Advanced Format one? Cloning from non AF -> AF drives without going through some very specific steps usually means you get an ok install that refuses to do Windows Update and also generates a ton of ESENT errors in eventvwr.
The following is the distilled solution I gathered from various online sources in case it helps anyone else:
Just in case you ever have to clone from an old style HD to an advanced format drive (moving a Vista install), there are some things you should know.
I did my homework before doing this for a client (I knew it wouldn't be a simple clone and go job) but figured I'd try the newest WD Acronis True Image version without heeding my own research (it was a small drive and I wanted to see if the newest WD Acronis would work). It didn't. After the clone the drive didn't need to be aligned, but if you tried to do Windows update from Vista it didn't work and the eventvwr Application logs were full of ESENT errors triggered by the attempted Windows update.
I had to install a hotfix on the original Vista install, pull out the new esent.dll version, throw it into the system32 folder of the new cloned drive, and then run the hotfix on the new cloned drive (catch 22 of the hotfix needing the machine to have the new esent.dll but it's only available via the hotfix....go figure)
The following are notes I compiled on how I would have done it had I not been so curious to see if anything had been fixed.....it hasn't.
SHORT SUMMARY: Install the hotfix on the to-be-cloned vista drive, clone it, check if it needs to be aligned, and you should be good to go. (This all assumes you have Intel RST 9.6 or higher installed too - the client had 10.1 or something)
REF NOTES: (copy/paste from various websites)
To save someone from having to wade through 95 posts it might help to provide a summary.
Computer:- Dell inspiron 1525 laptop Windows Vista sp2
Action:- Replaced existing 160Gb HDD with a 320Gb HDD Western Digital Scorpio Blue 2.5"
Method:- took out existing HDD, put in new one, booted with an Acronis true image bootable CD (I made earlier using the version provided by Western Digital) and using a USB 2.0 caddy containing the old HDD transfered the entire contents from the old to the new. Took about 2.5 hours.
The laptop started with no problems. It had to find a driver for the new HDD (the wrong one as it turned out), and after it had chuntered on for 5 minutes settled down and has worked well since Christmas, with one exception - Windows Update stopped working and I suspect Windows Backup.
This problem was caused by the fact that the new HDD has AFT (Advanced Format Technology - makes it go better) compounded by a muddle at Intel about which of their drivers does what.
What I should have done and subsequently did do (I kept the old HDD intact)and guided by Windows Support WUGNET was:
Before taking out the old disk:
1. Install hotfix KB2553708 which improves compatibility of Windows with AFT.
2. Install hotfix KB947821 system update readiness tool.
After the transfer
1. Align the disk. Western Digital provide the software for this. The link is provided in #62 Advanced Format Hard Drive download utility. the file is called acronisaligntool_s_e_2_0_111.exe (69.3Mb)
2. Upgrade the hard disk driver from where ever it is to version 9.6 Intel provide the driver, generically it's called "Intel Rapid Storage Technology" The correct driver in this case was called - STOR_allOS_9.6.0.1014_PV - There is a link to it in #84 provided by Dale.
Hopefully this brings it all together for anyone who is hapless enough to hit the same issue.
If you've already cloned the drive and run into problems, you can either install the hotfix on the original Vista install or find another Vista machine to do it (VM?)
For future reference:
1. Download the hotfix mentioned here.
A hotfix rollup that improves Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 compatibility with Advanced Format disks
2. Install this hotfix on a 2nd Vista machine.
3. Copy the new esent.dll ver 6.0.6002.22531 from the updated machine to a memory stick.
4. On the affected machine, start an elevated command prompt and change to the system32 directory.
5. Now type the following commands where UserName is the name of an Administrator account on the system:
takeown /f esent.dll
icacls esent.dll /grant UserName:F
ren esent.dll esent.old
6. Copy the esent.dll from the memory stick to the system32 directory.
7. Reboot
8. Install the hotfix. Instead of failing with the 0xC8000222 error it should process normally now.