Yeah it will be slower for the first couple of runs after deleting the prefetch but then it will speed up. On your second screenshot theres a box with 30 in it change that to 3 and reboot.
It is 2 secs slower actually, I am not sure whether you are experimenting or trying to boot faster. However, your reboot time seems to be reasonable and I am not sure that you disable services not knowing what they are for because you may end up with the broken system.Changed it to 3 then rebooted 2 seconds faster but I still think it can be faster and at the same time I am running a RAID 0 configration may this have any effect on boot time? RAID driver etc. Also I not sure which services to disable cause their names are in Turkish ; should I disable them through the registry editor or is it less secure? Additionally I have 4GBs of RAM how big should my page file be ? How can I intepret ntbtlog.txt and other boot logs there is a bunch of drivers which did not load according to it and their names are displayed a few times not once.
I am running a RAID 0 configration may this have any effect on boot time?
Also I not sure which services to disable cause their names are in Turkish
Additionally I have 4GBs of RAM how big should my page file be ?