I read o another forum about this card and everybody has the temperature issue. I installed RivaTuner and got it down at about 44-45 degrees Celsius...I was very happy thinking this is the solution, but the games crashed again
I think it's a conspiracy....
It's not a conspiracy, and it's not your card temps as they're perfectly normal.
Did I notice an ASUS P5Q motherboard in that system text? I'm assuming you also have an ASUS 4800 series video card?
If so, my next guess is you installed ASUS drivers for your motherboard and video card, probably smartdoctor and gamerOSD?
I had the same problems as you, only they cropped up when I installed Fallout 3. The problems intensify if you then also install other video card drivers... because the ones ASUS installs will never uninstall properly and you're actually running two sets of drivers. Easy to see where conflicts come from... Fallout 3 won't even run with those ASUS drivers installed.
My first bit of advice is to head to NewEgg and snag one of the excellent Zalman VF1000 coolers and put that puppy on your video card. The card will be much happier.
Next thing is you need to rid your system of all the sh!tty ASUS drivers. They suck. Let me say that again, they suck. Did I mention? They suck!
Of course the puss way out is to just reinstall Vista, and not install the ASUS drivers. But you're no puss are you? No, you're a manly man who likes adventure and doesn't have 4 hours to reinstall Vista.
So, without further delay let me let you in on what I did...
Head into your device manager, and uninstall anything ASUS you see. Those listings should take care of motherboard specific drivers (I think this is all APIC stuff, but Vista will us it's own drivers). Also don't forget to uninstall smartdoctor, gamerOSD and any other ASUS junk.
The video card can be more problematic. First thing to do is uninstall your drivers. Then, you want to actually uninstall the video card in the device manager, and make sure to check "delete drivers". Then, head into your windows system and manually look for any of the Asus video drivers left over. They all begin with ATK, and the info tab will say ASuSTeK - and they lurk in System32 SysWOW64, and System32/drivers. Take 'em out and trash those bastards!!!!!
Now, reinstall the latest 8.12 ATi drivers (you did download those already, right?), and restart. Also the latest ATi drivers have a fan control, so no need for that crappy smartdoctor if you decide not to get the Zalman cooler (but I highly recommend it)
This SHOULD work, and if so I think it should take care of your crashes (except known glitches where they're expected to dump).
HOWEVER you might find that when you restart you get the message "No ATi driver loaded.. .blah blah blah". The solution I found for this problem involves editing the registry key for the video card. Remember to BACK UP THE REGISTRY FIRST!!!
The solution is exactly the same as editing the registry when Vista won't start up a CD/DVD drive, except you edit the video card key ->> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\
Then you'll see keys with lots of numbers, like {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}. Click on the first one, and see what device it lists in the key in the right pane. (I'm working on my OS X box right now or I tell you the exact entry) Arrow down until you see the video card, and then delete "UpperFilters=" and "LowerFilters=" entries. Restart and all should be golden, and your computer might even run a bit better since there aren't conflicting drivers fighting for the video card!
Just remember, you can always reinstall those ASUS drivers if something gets screwy, or reload a previous system restore point if you have them set.
Good luck!