Skin non-theme aware programs - Not all programs that you run interface well with the current Vista interface, especially aero - some keep the way they look no matter what style / theme you use. This functionality will allow you to alter those stubborn, hardcoded applications (may of which are GTK+ apps written to be cross platform, or even JAVA apps (if this works on JAVA apps) to match your current style.
Skin unsigned per pixel skins - Honestly not sure what that means.
Change color/hue/brightness on the fly - exactly what it says - change the colors / looks of things on your desktop / in your applications on the fly - IOW, without very much work change yourself from running a nice gray Aero effect with orange highlights to, say, a nice glassy smoke color with baby blue highlights....
Change toolbar icons of IE and Explorer - Exactly what it says - see those icons used in IE, and in Windows Explorer? With these version you can change those to something more like you like - perhaps even to icons that match or closely match your current theme / style.
Change progress animations - know how when you are downloading you see a progress bar for things that take a long time to download? Or how, when copying lots of files / very large files from one place to another you get a progress window? That progress window is what these versions can change - make it look more snazzy, neat, whatever you want to call it.
SkinStudio - Another software product that you can buy from them separately - or, in this case, with the Bundled version.
WinCustomize Subscription - a premium subscription to WinCustomize - this allows you more freedom with downloading and obtaining styles, themes, and a host of other files from WinCustomize - I beleive there are other restrictions lifted, including the removal of advertising on the site with a subscription. This is only available on the Extreme bundle.