I have been having this very frustrating problem with Vista 64. The machine seems to be find and I can run anything I want, but then it will just lock up. The screen shows what ever graphics was there but its all scrambled. This can happen at an time after the desktop show, 2 minutes or 2 hours.
I can run in safe mode all day and night so I'm thinking graphics or some other driver. I have run tests using Everest Ultimate and everything seems fine, except it will lockup like everything else. I have had this issue since the beginning, when I had 1 video card. I have gotten Crossfire enabled and SP1 installed. I am using the latest Catalyst driver 8.3. One note, when I installed the newest driver, it changed how the screen looks when it locks up, but its still the same issue. Any ideas or settings that I should look at, I have tinkered with them all with no results. I hope someone has the answer!:D