Just to update you all, I managed to take control using TeamViewer and I now see why none of our suggestions have worked. If you open up the details tab of the file properties, its all blank (well the ID3 fields are - name, size and date created etc. aren't). You cannot edit it, it wont let you type anything in the fields. Not only this, but if you try and remove personal information from the file metadata, then it comes up with an error (below), which is the same error as when you try and edit the ID3 tags through Windows explorer. It's really strange. I've tried to do it in loads of different programs (WMP, iTunes, EasyTAG, ID3-tagIT 3 etc.) but
none of them work. I can save a v2.3 ID3 tag using EasyTAG to the file, but none of the other programs recognise it. If I open the file again in EasyTAG then it's still there, but there's not much use for this because only EasyTAG recognises it.
I gave up with these programs and decided to do a little research on the error code
0x8007000D and got all sorts of stuff back, some suggesting its to do with Windows not recognising some v2.4 ID3 tags, some other strange reasons, but I've tried all of these.
I also used
MP3 Validator to check the integrity of the MP3 file, and it said it found an error when I scanned the file, when chose to repair this error it created a 200kb MP3 file (the original is over 40MB). So something went wrong here.
I've also tried to convert it to and fro from MP3, but none of the programs I used seem to like it and create a really small output file.
Anyone here know anything on metadata or ID3/2 tags? Or can suggest anything that I can do?
I've never seen anything like this before