Well it's because the 280 has a Memory chip extra, and a few other things that just cost money, like the 448bit memory interface on the 260, and the 512 on the 280. and yes you can very much make other cards as powerful I use my GTX260 at speeds above that of the 280. but then if I had the 280 it would be even higher also. and then would be rockin. one thing I do know, even if they aren't the best release from Nvidia, they sure can OVERCLOCK like crazy, mine is default at 576 MHz, and I can game, and benchmark at 740 MHz core clock. thats a solid 165 MHz increase. thats pretty good IMO. People have there 750 MHz 4870's OC'd to 800 MHz, or some to 810. I've seen a few people say 850, but then they start to overheat and have choppy game play and what not. Mine doesn't ever get above 63C at 165 MHz Overclock. thats not bad at all.
and ya the blackbird is a decent system, but go look at what the Skulltrail consists of. lol
and I think the drawing is today, not sure though. last day to enter was yesterday.
and ya the blackbird is a decent system, but go look at what the Skulltrail consists of. lol
and I think the drawing is today, not sure though. last day to enter was yesterday.
My Computer
System One
- Q9650 E0 4.0 GHz @1.304v
- Motherboard
- eVGA 750i FTW
- Memory
- 2x2GB Corsair Dominator PC2-8500C5D
- Graphics card(s)
- Sound Card
- X-Fi XtremeGamer
- Monitor(s) Displays
- Samsung T240 & 226BW
- Screen Resolution
- 1920x1200 & 1680x1050
- Hard Drives
- Seagate Cuda 500GB 32mb Cache SATA 7200.(11) + 500GB Seagate Cuda External eSATA, USB, FW400
- PC P&C 750w Silencer PSU
- Case
- CoolerMaster HAF 932 (Water-Cooled)
- Cooling
- Plenty of Fans, and a few 230mm Fans
- Mouse
- Logitech MX-518
- Keyboard
- Logitech G11
- Other Info
- ASUS 20x Optical, Bose Companion 3, ATH-AD500 Cans :), Patriot Xporter 16GB Flash Drive (Very Fast), & Sandisk Micro 8GB. Nikon D40 DSLR with 18-105mm VR & 55-200mm VR