Well it doesn't seem to be hardware. You might be right about the SATA, although I haven't heard of that happening. The question about games was because these are CPU and RAM intensive and if you were experiencing problems there it could give us a clue.
Where I'm at.
I am pretty sure that your hard work has ruled out Hardware. (with the possible unlikely exception of hard drives.
That leaves us with the system
You have installed Vista 3 times and the problem persists. So I don't believe it's Vista.
Your system may not work and play well with Vista 64. That possible but not likely.
Questions - How long have you had the computor.
Did this problem occur from the start or was it something that "happened"
Is this problem the reason for the reinstalls of Vista
Were the Vistas install fresh installs
What files did you copy back onto your computer after the install.
Did the problem occur before or after you copied files back.
(should have asked these at the beginning. Problem with pre-concieved notions)
the computer originally I had for about 2 years....then I had RAM failure, and decided to install Vista once I got new RAM, about 2 months ago. That's when all hell broke loose!
I installed vista ultimate 32bit and noticed this behavior...the mobo was a Asus P5B-deluxe, and e6300 CPU. Then, I replaced the HD's thinking the hard drives were bad, and went all teh way and replaced the mother board and CPU (as well as DVD rom drive), thus pretty much all new hardware.
That's when I installed Vista 64bit, and had the same issue. Then I RMA'd the hard drives, and still same issue. As you saw, i replaced the motherboard yet again, and still same issue.
the only thing I can think of at this point is that either a) the HD's are bad again (which would make me the unluckiest SOB in the world), or b) Motherboard doesn't play nice with my HD's.
so, I'm gonna wait for the Gigabyte mobo, and will do a chkdsk on the harddrives and see if they are bad somehow.