i have done this sfc scan on my desktop and my fathers laptop. "sorry for any confusion"
on the desktop just the 1 issue sound related. i think it may be to do with codec (i have 2 sound outputs headphone jack and hdmi... headphone jack plays windows sounds beeps bing bongs etc and video or music tracks etc. however hdmi will only play windows sounds when either on you tube or windows media player is open?)
as for laptop
the issue was with freezes after windows restarted after configuring windows .net framework 4 updates. and as far as i know that has not happened yet but have not had any windows updates since applying fixes. so have not been able to test..
if you require any more details or info to assist a diagnosis just ask and i will try to provide anything you need..
Intel Mobile Intel 4 Series Express Chipset Family
Sound Card
Conexant 20561 SmartAudio HD
Monitor(s) Displays
15 inch
Screen Resolution
1280 x 800
Hard Drives
1x 180GB Intel 530 series SSD
1 x 120GB Hitachi 5400rmp
1 x 650GB Western Digital Elements 5400rpm
1x 1Tb Western Digital Elements 5400rpm
Internet Speed
Medium for New Zealand
Other Info
Weakest part of my computer is the graphics chipset.
Only ever used a laptop.
Also use USB Freeview TV Card
Lenovo Docking Station
External Speakers
Other bits a pieces as needed
The notepad C:\windows\logs\cbs\cbs.log command works but it gives you a gezillion pages of information.
The command I posted reduces the data significantly to what you need to see. It shows it in cmd. There you right click on it and click Select All. Then you right click on the highlighted text and you can paste it into a Notepad or Wordpad or Word.