Run Commands For Vista

This is a list of Run commands that you can type into the Run command window or Start Menu search line to open or run the listed items here.

The Run commands are the ones in bold below.
EXAMPLE: Run command window and Start Menu
Here's the List:Display Adapter Troubleshooter AdapterTroubleshooter
Authorization Manager azman.msc
Bitlocker Wizard bitlockerwizard
Color Management Color.cpl
Computer Management Launcher CompMgmtLauncher
Control Panel control
Credential Backup and Restore Wizard credwiz
Defragment User Interface dfrgui
Driver Package Installer dpinst
DPI Scaling dpiscaling
DVD Player dvdplay
Event Viewer eventvwr
Firewall Control Panel FirewallControlPanel
Firewall Settings FirewallSettings
Windows Shared Folder Management fsmgmt.msc
Bitlocker Notifier fvenotify
Fax Cover Sheet Editor fxscover
Help Pane helppane
Iexpress (Self Extracting Package Creator)iexpress
iSCSI Initiator iscsicpl
Logoff from Windows (Warning: when you run this it will log you off immediately) logoff
Language Pack Installerlpksetup
Windows Mobility Center (only available on mobile pcs) mblctr
Microsoft Sync Centermobsync
Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool msdt
Remote Assistance msra
User Accounts Netplwiz
ODBC Data Source Administrator odbcad32
Optional Features Manager optionalfeatures
People Near Me p2phost
Performance Monitor perfmon
Presentation Settings resentationsettings
Printer Migration PrintBrmUi
Encryption File System rekeywiz
Windows Backup Utility sdclt
Accesibility Settings sethc
Windows Share Creation Wizard shrpubw
Software Licensing (Windows Activation)slui
Sound Volume sndvol
Snipping Tool (an Advanced Print Screen function) snippingtool
Sound Recorder soundrecorder
Sticky Note StikyNot
System Properties (Advanced preselected) SystemPropertiesAdvanced
System Properties (Computer Name preselected)
System Properties (Data Execution Prevention preselected)
System Properties (Hardware preselected)SystemPropertiesHardware
System Properties (Performance preselected)
System Properties (Protection preselected)
System Properties (Remote preselected)
Ditilizer Calibration Tool tabcal
Trusted Platform Module TpmInit
Problem Reports and Solutions wercon
Windows Firewall with Advanced Security wf.msc
Windows Fax and Scan wfs
Windows Image Acquisition (requires a scanner) wiaacmgr
Windows Update App Manager wuapp
Windows Standalong Update Manager wusa
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