Could some one give me a virus free 100% working DVD copy for Win Vista 64 bit home premium? (I also need it to be virus free!) Minus the SN of course, I have a legal one that is on a sticker on the computer. If not , could some one copy their vista file and post it as an .iso so all I have to do is burn it to a CD-R and run it?
I searched around and I found files ranging from 600mb to 4.5gb which just doesnt make sense.. how would I make a 4.5gb file fit in a DVD let alone a CD... eh .. I must agree though ,it is going to be difficult finding a legal copy of vista for free.
It sucks, you try to be legal and you get screwed by having to buy another copy of something you should have gotten in the first place because of people doing illegal activities with the disc so you have to resort to boarder line illegal methods of getting a dag on OS you paid for!
I talked to my friend some more, she said it was either a Trojan horse or a White ghost she saw pop up..
So, my conclusion: Hard disc has been whipped clean or some pointer file got deleted leaving the info on the HD but very difficult to access. There appears to be no HP recovery partition any more either. Only option appears to be to get a vista disk and every one I know including a near by college uses Mac's or XP. There are only a handful of vista machines around here. I guess you could say
they are the odd balls