Printer Sharing problem


New Member
Hi all, new notebook running Vista, connected to another computer running xp, can see the shared computer, and it's printers, but cannot share the printers. HELP, tried just about everything.:confused:

My Computer

Geeze a bit more info would be helpful.

you can see the Vista on the XP?

Where is the printer attached?

Does Vista see the printer on the network or attached to your Computer?

is the XP PC a desktop?

Is it a wireless netwrok?

Are the printer drivers compatable with Vista?

My Computer

Hello: Thanks for replying. I am not good at computers, so I didn't know what information to provide. However, we can see the notebook (running vista) from the desktop (running xp), and

The printer is attached on the network. I can see the printer on the network (host) only, and not on my notebook.

Desktop with printers runs XP

We are using a router, no wireless

I think I have a compatible drive.

Sorry, again, I'm not good at this stuff.
\Any help is appreciated.

My Computer

Hi Gypseeblue,
Are you saying you have a vista notebook, a xp desktop computer, a printer all plugged into a router?

Or are you saying you have a vista notebook and a xp desktop plugged into a router and the printer is installed on the xp desktop PC via USBcable/Parallel cable?


My Computer

Hi Raj,

I have a notebook running Vista, and my husband has a Desktop running XP. The printer is connected to his desktop via usb and both of our computers are connected to a router.

I went online with Dell Tech support, and that guy tried alot of stuff, but never could resolve the issue.

If I try to add the printer from control panel, I can select add a printer from a network, and it sees the printer and tries to connect, but then I get a message that says " Windows cannot connect to the printer. Operation could not be complete. Error 0x0000000d".

If I go to the networks, and click on his (host), I can see the printer and if I try to click on it, it attempts to connect, but then I get a message that says Windows could not connect, there is not enough memory, close programs and try again, but I dont' have anything running.

If I go through my network and try to add a printer, I get a message that says I dont' have permissions, which I dont' understand because I am the only user on the notebook.

This is so frusterating....:cry: Any help is appreciated.

My Computer

Hi gypseeblue,
You said "which I dont' understand because I am the only user on the notebook" This maybe true but you got to be a local administrator to install print drivers intead of a standard user.
Here is what I would do on your laptop.
1. Enable the real administator account.
2. Log in with the real admin account
3. try to install the printer. Yo should not get an access is denied then hopefully.
4. Log back into your laptop as yourself and see if your printer is there, if not try again to install it.
Here is how to enable the admin account:

My Computer

It's possible Dell have installed extra security third party programs. Dell often add their own utilities and it's worth going through the Dell extra add-ons to make sure their software aren't adding lock-ups.

My Computer

followed your advice, unfortunately, I am still get the errors in my post to you previously....thank you for helping and if you have any more ideas please please let me know.
Thanks, gypsy

My Computer

Check your desktop for Dell icons.... or under All Programs check for Dell installed untilities. your printer per chance a HP?

are you certain it's attached to the Router (a network Printer) or is the printer attached to a PC that is on a Network.

Can I confirm that your netwrok runs OK and you can access shared files from both PC's between the two.

If your printer has it's on IP address (network Printer) you might need to manually open a port though the firewall you are using. (windows firewall or other)

refer to your printer manual on which port numbers it uses.

My Computer

Here are a few thoughts:
1) Is the printer shared
2) Is his firewall configured to accept print requests
3) Can you send a document to his computer (or have him retrieve the file from yours) and ask him to print it for you

On the Microsoft TechNet forum, it was suggested that you could add a printer by selecting the “Add a local printer” option (in the Add Printer Wizard) and creating a new local port with the name \\machine\printshare. Where “machine” is the name of his computer, and “printshare” is the name of the printer.
(e.g. \\BobsComputer\Printmaster5000)

I have an off topic newbie question: Can I post links to other forum sites?

My Computer

I have a Vista HP laptop and an XP desktop. I can print to my desktop printer just fine.
I had to allow file and printer sharing on both machines.
Enable "Everyone" in permissions.

It's not always good to have a "Wireless" network printer setup as the default printer on the remote machines, so check to see it's so on either of the wireless machines and un-select it as the default.

If you run Photoshop CS3 on one of the remotes with the above it may be why it says not enough RAM or in use.
We found this "needle in a haystack" bug when CS3 started opening .jpg files with a 30 second delay apposed to the usual instantaneous opening. We took out the default thing and it cured. Put it back in and it repeated. I now have the generic image writer printer as default. I just have to choose the HP from the list.
So there is no telling what other program do similar.

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System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Home Build
    Intel Q6600 G0
    Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3P
    Corsair 8GB
    Graphics card(s)
    Sound Card
    On board
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Samsung 215TW
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    2X WD 750GB RE3 RAID-1
    610W CORSAIR Modular
    Cheapo Rosewell
    Rosewell Fans and CPU Cooler
    Logitech MX Revolution
    Logitech Access Keyboard 600
    Internet Speed