Solved Power Options Corrupt (power plan unavailable)

I do have a recent back up but its on cdrom and thats not working........ i guess i may have to locate another pc and save ito n a usb then use it on mine...... I jus wished there was one button i can press that will do the clean reinstall without usb's or cd rom! lol thanks for the quick response!!

My Computer

Log only say about corrupted tcpmon.ini file.I doubt it really affect power settings,neverless replace this this file +restart.If still no results only System Restore/Repair Install


My Computer

so i have tried to follow Flavius directions in post 8 however i am stomped by the last part of your direction..... the part where u say:

Next choose File>>Import :choose my *.reg file,apply +restart computer

When I click import on the registry editior i am confused as to what i should type as the file name.... Can u please be a bit more specific...

also wat am I doing with the Power opt attachment.. when i open it where do i save it to?? The last part of the directions has me COMPLETELY stomped so hoping for a clearer response..

Thanks and much appreciation all the way from trinidad and tobago!

1.Download PSTools PsTools
extract from this psexec.exe and place it in C:\Windows\System32
2.Download and save anywhere as you whish -you can save it on your Desktop,in's without any meaning where you save it -it's your choose.
3.Extract from PowerOpt.reg file
4.Run cmd.exe with administrative previlliges (right click on cmd.exe as admin) and type in window:

psexec -s -i -d regedit

(above command will run regedit from SYSTEM account level -it is neccassary)
5.choose File>>Import ,find location where you store PowerOption.reg,choose this file,apply and next restart computer

Just wanted to drop a huge thank you in this thread.

I came across this when I was trying to fix my power settings problems. I had tried so many other different things for weeks to try and get it to work, and yours worked on the first try.

SO THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Computer

Well, I'm quite amazed not a single person has replied (funny how my other problem has gone unanswered too). Guess I must have very uncommon problems!

I'm glad to say I've managed to fix it though. As described on a website somewhere, someone else managed to fix it by restoring the registry keys associated with it.

I decided to export the ones on my mum's laptop, delete mine, and then import her's to mine. It seems to be working fine! All Power Options are back, I can change how my PC shuts down, and I can Sleep now! And this was all without a restart. I'm guessing I can Hibernate also; I'll find out when I want to turn my PC off later.

If anyone else has this problem and needs a copy of the registry keys, I can send you them (I believe they work regardless of the computer. I had concerns because it was a laptop, but it seems fine). I'd rather not post them publicly as I am not sure of the sensitivity of them.

Hey could u send me those registry codes because i have the same problem with missing power plans, and also could u tell me how to import them onto by laptop please?

My Computer

i dunno is it just me or what but, i can't see any link to download the on post it supposed to be inside the PsTools archive? well there isn't there for me..pls help

ps: sry for bumping old topic

My Computer

1.Run cmd.exe with administrative previlliges (right click on this file as admin) and type

sfc /scannow

2.If point one no help try to import fix to registry attached below - but will be a small problem with permissions because only SYSTEM account have full control to all these subkeys.The best way to workaround this problem (without changing permisssions) is run regedit from SYSTEM account.Download PSTools PsTools
extract from this psexec.exe and place it in C:\Windows\System32
next run cmd.exe with administrative previlliges and type

psexec -s -i -d regedit

Next choose File>>Import :choose my *.reg file,apply +restart computer

I can't see any file attached to download, where can I get this file from?

My Computer

I would also like the registry file. It is not linked in post 8.

Alternatively, does anyone know where in the registry to look for problems?

This problem really sucks. I even reinstalled, and it came back.

My Computer
