.Netframework 3.5 installation nightmare

LiveCD it is independent system on DVD (here MEPIS linux).Make sure your boot options in BIOS are set to (CD-ROM,C,A) if settings are OK,boot this livecd then it will load neccessary drivers to memory and then appear logon screen,you will choose login root/password:root and then you'll already logged (image below)


Go to My Computer>>Storage Media>> <yoyr disk> >>Windows\LOGS\CBS and remove all files in this folder.

Next restart computer,take out livecd and boot into Vista,run cmd.exe with administrative previlliges (right click on cmd.exe as admin) and type:

sfc /scannow

My Computer

Ah wait I do have another question... is it supposed to say "Linux" on it, did I download the right version? I downloaded Mepis cd 32. Sorry about all this I just want to make sure I'm doing it right. I know like nothing about computers and I don't want to mess mine up by making a mistake.

My Computer

Ah wait I do have another question... is it supposed to say "Linux" on it, did I download the right version? I downloaded Mepis cd 32. Sorry about all this I just want to make sure I'm doing it right. I know like nothing about computers and I don't want to mess mine up by making a mistake.

Linux 32 is surly correct version for you.

Linux 64 you can only use if you have 64bit CPU.

My Computer

Edit again: Okay, I thought I had it figured out but I didn't. It gives me this error.:

Could not write root/local/share/Trash/Files/CBS.log

Disk is full.

When I saw it I thought it meant that my trash can was full so I had to empty it. I did. Even though my trash can icon says its still full. Weird. I hope that I accidentally deleted my trash can before has nothing to do with it. I deleted the icon off my desktop by mistake in the past but I thought I had restored it.

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My Computer

In LiveCD choose "Delete" option (don't move to trash)


Besides you have to realize Trash from MEPIS have nothing to Recycle Bin in system on hdd! Although I admit option "move to trash" should also work,I can't explain exactly why this option failed -it would be caused by too big file,corrupted file.If "Delete" option will fail too I would start to suspect any issue with hdd.In this case run check disk on bootup (METHOD I ,select all) http://www.vistax64.com/tutorials/67612-check-disk-chkdsk.html

Trash on MEPIS is stored in temporary RAMDrive (temporary disk in memory),when you unload Livecd ,RAMDrive disappear as well.Recycle Bin from Vista it is unvisible special folder on each partition $Recycle.Bin
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My Computer

I got that same message though I succeeded in deleting the CBS log in the folder. I checked the CBS folder again and there was a log there... so I'm going to post it and see if its what you're looking for.


My Computer

I didn't forget. I still somehow got the same error about a thing pending even though I succeeded in deleting all the files in the CBS folder. When I restarted and logged into windows that file was there. Should I just continuously delete them in Linux until I don't see it anymore?

My Computer

I don't have the CD, my computer didn't come with one but I do think that I have that partition thing... I'm not sure. How do I check? And thanks again for helping me.:D

My Computer

It sucks my system deletes my restore points for some reason... how do I reenable trusted installer? Its not able to check for updates. I'll check my dads laptop or something and see if we have the same kind of vista. Thanks so much.

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