On C: I have "all.text" file size zero KB, and I have "all" file size 12.017 KB.
Any use?
Any use?
On C: I have "all.text" file size zero KB, and I have "all" file size 12.017 KB.
Any use?
Unlocker will work only in normal mode -you have to run system in normal mode now.If Unlocker also fail you have to burn LiveCD with linux -for example Damn Small Linux, Download the ISOI installed it but it does not run, ie Unlocker Assistant does not start
You have to choose option unlock all read exactly instructions from the link which you downloaded Unlocker.the result came as "Path Locked" with the options Kill the Process or Unlock...
I quit at that point without taking further action. What should I do?
Yes but before you start do that create checkpoint by System Restore http://www.vistax64.com/tutorials/76332-system-restore-point-create.htmlDo I delete every entry that Find Turkcell shows on the right pane? Any exceptions?
You have to remove all phrases where those words appear not only their values even the system allow you leave phrases without value.These words what you looking for you can meet both as a phrase and valueWhen I give "delete" command, some of them give error message "Unabale to delete all specified values". What should I do for these ?