my 4 hard drive connect to the intel controller and work perfectly
my 2 sata dvd connect to the blue sata (marvell controller) dont seen in windows do i need to install drivers of marvell to get this dvds on or windows vista should detected them automaticly?
Again, Suggestions given...
Make sure Marvell controller is enabled...
1- Make sure the "secondary" controller is enabled in the BIOS - that's for the Marvell controller.
Make sure the controller is set to IDE or AHCI; Update BIOS, check to see if drive letters are assigned....
Again, check to see if drive letter is assigned...
(I also told you earlier to make sure the "Secondary Controller was enabled in the BIOS)
To answer your other questions...
yes they are formatted to windows vista (only games and music in them d,e,f volumes) and yes try in manage Disk Management dont see them
by the way my bios version is 2674
But did you check to see if they were listed here...notice the red dots. If you see the DVD Drives,but no drive letter is next to them, then you need to assign one! On the other hand if you still don't see the drives, then you have bad cables or the controller is NOT enabled, especially since you get the same condition with ANY drive connected to the contorllers!!!
View attachment 10666
Which is why you need to update your BIOS to 2838
if its a 100% problem of bios version i will update but if i update the bios all my config gone or stay?
Updating the BIOS may reset some things, but in your case, that's probably good, as it "may" turn on the Marvell controllers if they're off. At any rate update the BIOS as there were some issues with the contollers on that board.
So to summarize...
Update the BIOS, Install the Marvell drivers and make sure the "Secondary Controller" is enabled in the BIOS!!!
If you have the controller enabled, and you updated the BIOS, and you checked to make sure a drive letter is assigned to each drive connected to the Marvell controller, and (added) the cables connecting to the Marvell controller are in working order, the Marvell drivers are installed....if ALL thoses things are checked, and you still can't see drives connected to the Marvell controller, then either the controller is bad or you have bad cables. If ALL of the above suggestions have not been met/checked, then there's no need to go any further untill they've ALL been answered.
Sorry for the long post but I needed to restate a few things and clearify others.
first of all my "secondary" controller in my motherboard was always on enabled mode (for your quiestion). now i told every time i restart my computer i see the 2 sata dvd drives detected by the marvell controller (because they are connected there) and then its keep going and load windows vista normally and perfectly but no good with the 2 dvds in windows enviorment.
you always ask about to got to (in windows enviorment) right on computer select manage and then disk managment, so no i dont see the 2 sata dvd drives that connected to the marvell controller at all (in disk managment).
the controller alwayes was set to IDE not tried on ahci (for your quiestion).
i hope i explain my self very good. the bottom line the only problem is to config 2 sata drive that conneted to marvell controller.
few littele question
1.the marvell must have a drivers even if its a dvd sata drives (if its true so the marvell controller is not proffesionall because its need to work like the intel controller with no drivers installed the intel sata works great)?
2.every one told me if i not config a raid mode i dont need to do anything just plug the dvd drive and good to go?
3.the marvell on this motherboard is a boot able?
5.the bios note release show all the fixes that made but i didnt find somthing with my problem (if i am not wrong) so still its importent to update?
thanks for your help