Impossible to install new Windows security Updates (error 800B0100 and 80246007)

We have only one ask for you.If MS will fix this issue it would be great if you could post solution here.This trouble with WMI have many people and this is very poorly documented -especially for Vista/7

My Computer


I am working on a PC Vista x86 and never had such a problem. For the last month now, I have not been able to install the following updates: (KB 968389, KB 956744, KB968816, KB970653, KB967723, KB970710, KB973540, KB948465).

Have also try to install them manually but it still does not work. I have SP1 on my PC.

I have tried many things (thanks to other forums...including installing KB947821) but nothing has worked yet.

Any help with this will be much appreciated.

Hi,i had a problem a few days ago with an windows security update that i couldn't never install the update automaticly,but yesterday i fond the solution for that issue,downloading and installed manually from microsoft.just take a look on microsoft's website,try to find what you need and download it,100% guaranted.:D

My Computer

Hi,i had a problem a few days ago with an windows security update that i couldn't never install the update automaticly,but yesterday i fond the solution for that issue,downloading and installed manually from microsoft.just take a look on microsoft's website,try to find what you need and download it,100% guaranted.:D
Read exactly previous posts.He already fixed this WU error.He is now fighting with WMI which cause problems with Event Viewer,Security Center and Windows Audio.If you really want to help him post solution for this error (if you can of course)

Error Code: 0x80041001
description: Generic failure
Facility: WMI

But apriopriate for Vista not for XP or 2003!

My Computer

Hi,i had a problem a few days ago with an windows security update that i couldn't never install the update automaticly,but yesterday i fond the solution for that issue,downloading and installed manually from microsoft.just take a look on microsoft's website,try to find what you need and download it,100% guaranted.:D
Read exactly previous posts.He already fixed this WU error.He is now fighting with WMI which cause problems with Event Viewer,Security Center and Windows Audio.If you really want to help him post solution for this error (if you can of course)

Error Code: 0x80041001
description: Generic failure
Facility: WMI

listen up mate if i can or not is not from your business,what i did worked,if he want to do just him can decide not you,i think that you try to be the master on everything on this forum but i think you don't, because i saw a few posts from you and you didn't solve everything dude,so try to be nice{if you can of course}.
I'm here to help and to be helped,do you know what i mean?i just read the first post not from others dude.:D


My Computer

so try to be nice{if you can of course}.
I'm here to help and to be helped,do you know what i mean?

I think you don't know what mean "to be helped" for others.If you really want be helpful for others you should read all post in each thread where you decide to help to make sure the idea which you want post has been already posted before or not.If in any thread there are many problems at once like here you should also know which one has been resolved or not.That don't make sense repeat many times the same solution or trying resolve any issue which has been already solved.Just only informed you he has repaired WU error (post 15)

i can or not is not from your business,what i did worked

If you really want to help it would be well if you clarify what exactly did.Surly also others want know what you exactly did -only WU error or more...or nothing...and your words are only empty boasts :p


My Computer

so try to be nice{if you can of course}.
I'm here to help and to be helped,do you know what i mean?

I think you don't know what mean "to be helped" for others.If you really want be helpful for others you should read all post in each thread where you decide to help to make sure the idea which you want post has been already posted before or not.If in any thread there are many problems at once like here you should also know which one has been resolved or not.That don't make sense repeat many times the same solution or trying resolve any issue which has been already solved.Just only informed you he has repaired WU error (post 15)

i can or not is not from your business,what i did worked

If you really want to help it would be well if you clarify what exactly did.Surly also
others want know what you exactly did -only WU error or more...or nothing...and your words are only empty boasts :p

Congratulations cabrão.:sleep:

My Computer

Dear Flavius,

No response yet from Microsoft support regarding my audio problems (actually I also had sent them an email about the security updates and they never managed to solve my problem).

I therefore tried to do this myself. I clicked on services.msc (as admin) went to Windows Audio and noticed that log on was: Local service. I changed this to Local system and restarted.

Windows audio service started at start up (not more cross on speaker-left bottom of screen) but then WIFI internet did not work. I therefore changed DCHP to Local system and it worked fine.

Only problem now, even if speaker bottom left says sound works and even if "roulette" I use on PC to manually put sound up and down now works....I HAVE GOT NO SOUND?!?!? (have tried to play videos, music...nothing).

Should I reverse to Local service?

Many thanks once more for your help

My Computer

System One

  • CPU
    Acer Aspire 5920G
Should I reverse to Local service?

Many thanks once more for your help
Your notice are very interesting :shock:,neverless you should restore oryginal settings - SYSTEM account have to many permissions and due to this settings you risk even infection.

Explanation your experiments:

-Local Service account is corrupted
-Local Service don't have enough permissions:

Open regedit and find key:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\S-1-5-19

and compare my image with your registry:


Check also containers in C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService
espacially is important do you have NTUSER.DAT in this folder or not.This file is only visible in explorer if have enebled "Show hidden files and folders" -the best way use any external file manager for example Total Commander to verify presence this file.But even this file exist it may be corrupted...but let see not all at once!

My Computer

Ok, changed everything back to normal (Local service).

1)registry on my PC is exactly the same than your image.

2) I have ntuser.dat in folder.

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System One

  • CPU
    Acer Aspire 5920G
The problem is services which run from Local Service account don't start automatically,you have to start them manually....:huh: ,alhough are set correct,so Local Service account is OK.

1.Read this tutorial

try suggestions from there,read also users comments espacially @swarfega and @seubanks posts and try their suggestions

2.Do you have the same problem on Clean Boot procedure? How to perform a clean boot procedure to determine whether background programs are interfering with a game or a program that you currently use

My Computer

Restore original settings.Go to Start>>Search>>services.msc and find service "Windows Event Log" and try it start manually -if other services you can run manually probably this one also next restart computer.

Next check again "Windows Event Log" is working -if not make log from Process Monitor Process Monitor

run program File>>Save and save log in *.PML format,pack it and upload on RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting

When you'll create PM log again atart manually "Windows Event Log" service and try open event viewer -if "Windows Event Log" service is working event viewer should work as well,present all errors in Application and System section.

My Computer

Ok, I only did the first one. I could not start Windows Event Log manually. Error 1079 "Account specified (Local system) for this service is different from the account specified for other services running in the same process.


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System One

  • CPU
    Acer Aspire 5920G
Error 1079 "Account specified (Local system) for this service is different from the account specified for other services running in the same process.
It's very strange :sarc: -impossible to change account for this service because this option for Eventlog service is greyed out (image)


Addiditional make this:

Run cmd.exe with administrative previlliges (right click on cmd.exe as admin) and type:

REG EXPORT "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog" %userprofile%\Desktop\Eventlog.reg

on your desktop appear Eventlog.reg file ->pack this and attach to post

My Computer

There is at least one serious error -exactly as error message say.Remains I'll check tomorrorow.Unpack attached *.reg file,import it to registry (double click on *.reg file) +restart.Next check again "Windows Event Log will work or still not..


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