Anneokie you are right - it ain't always us users causing the problem. I too have had 3 other computers and 3 other OS's and never have had so many problems as with Vista. HP techs tried to tell me it was "my fault" that the machine I had to return was bad, that it was because I had added some funky software. But everything I added worked fine with XP and I downloaded the upgrades that were to work with Vista. In the end, it was pretty much proven it was a hardware error. So stand by your guns and don't let people tell you it's software problems.
Now with the new Dell I am still having a few crashes and freezes. Some of which MAY be my fault, I'm not sure yet. But when you're getting restarts and blue screens it's probably not your fault. Everyone adds software. The software I use is THE REASON I need a computer, not the other way around. Sure, if you just use the net and nothing else, chances are Vista works great. But if you are a power user, Vista seems to have problems interfacing with you.
So in the end, it was determined to be a hardware malfunction, but you still blame Vista for it 100% and label it a horrible operating system? Wow...makes no sense.
It is rather irritating to see people, who know next to nothing about computers, blame vista for things, because they "Heard from their grandmothers bingo partners husbands best friends wife who crochets on the weekends with her daughters boyfriends mother, that Windows Vista is HORRIBLE" And then when it is found to not be an issue with Vista at all, they still bash it... it boggles my mind.
Okay, Smokkinu, you are entitled to make presumptions but in this case you are wrong.
1) I did not blame Vista for the hardware error, I was just using that as an example of bad tech support and how you have to stand up to them, sometimes.
2) I know a fair amount about computers, though certainly not as much as many of the techs on this board.
3) I label Vista as "HORRIBLE" because it is. That's my opinion. And in case you have not noticed, that is the opinion of many people who are fairly adept at using computers.
People don't like UAC, people don't like the drivers problems, people don't like the Safely Remove Hardware problem, people don't like the intrusiveness of the Search Filter Host always trying to access the internet (for what??), people don't like the high processor usage of Indexing and searching, people don't like the fact that it comes loaded with a bunch of stuff they don't want (Defender, defragger, etc - even Search - there are all things that 3rd party software can do more efficiently.
In fact now that you mention it, one of the main problems I see with Vista is not that people with no knowledge of computers have problems with it; rather, it's the opposite: People with knowledge of computers have a problem with it because people - like me - want to use our own favorite defragger, our own firewall, our own search system etc., but Vista is bloated with all this stuff we don't want or need and makes it somewhat difficult to turn it off.
For example, "Search Filter Host" - can I turn it off or not? Not only is it not clear within Vista whether you have an option to turn it off, I have yet to even get an answer from a good tech as to whether you can turn it off, or uninstall it, only that you can turn off indexing.
Look around the net, there are tons of examples of people who have been using XP for years and know XP and had no problems with XP, but who are having major problems with Vista. As one guy put it, "Vista is the first OS where I've had to cross my fingers and hold my breath when I start it up..."
Now I'm not saying it's all THAT bad, in general, but it is a sucky OS and that's my opinion and that opinion is based on the fact that I don't like the way its set up, UAC is poorly executed, for example, and I can't wait for "7" to come out; and if that sucks too, then Im getting a Mac!
And no offense to you - the heatedness here is more about the problems I've been having with Vista. But I don't like being lumped in with people who know nothing about computers. In fact I seldom needed a board like this, with XP, I knew how to tweak it and fix it myself most of the time.