Hi sjatin, look at this tutorial Remove the Fake Microsoft Security Essentials Alert Trojan and AntiSpySafeguard
Disconnect the infected computer from the net and the modem.
Scroll to where you see the keys that are infected (in the tutorial), then find them on your machine. You may need to go into safe mode and 'show hidden files and folders' in order to find and delete.
If you are able to delete some or all of the infected keys, then, I want you to flush your DNS cache and restore MS's original Hosts file.
Copy and paste these lines in Note pad.
@Echo on
attrib -h -s -r hosts
echo localhost>HOSTS
attrib +r +h +s hosts
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
netsh winsock reset all
netsh int ip reset all
shutdown -r -t 1
del %0
Save as flush.bat to your desktop. Right click to run as Administrator. Your computer will reboot itself.
Now let me know if you can get on the Internet to download Malwarebytes'.