this is not only a ''doom & gloom'' story though, beyond 2012 (the age of Aquarius), is supposedly ''the Golden age'' where there is to be no war, violence, theft, or hunger.....
Well isn't that because your guys are predicting that everybody will be dead!!!
thats it john, you got it...... can there be crime & suffering with no ppl.......
the MAYANS predicted 2012 would be the ''end of an age'' they dont state total destruction, but they do make reference to ''the dark rift'' (the center of our galaxy) & how it brings the return of a great EVIL god.....
i know all this is hard to believe, but if you know anything about space you'll know everything works in a cyclical nature, its like clockwork...
our recorded history only goes back a few thousand years, which is the blink of an eye celestially....
so its logical to assume these Mayan, & Aztec with their immense astrological knowledge would be pretty good judges of the stars.... the Mayan calender actually coincides with most of the major disasters that have occurred in our history...
so to pass this event off as another ''millennium bug'' would be very foolish IMO.
Scientists concur with the Myans that on Dec 21st, 2012 the earth will be in alignment with the Sun at the center of the Milky Way, and it should be noted that Astronomers have within the last 5 years, discovered that there is a Black hole at that center of our Milky way Galaxy. The Mayans believed this would be dire... (see part 3)
History Channel DOOMSDAY 2012: THE END OF DAYS
Part 1
Part 2 (7:31)
Part 3 (4:02)
Part 4 (5:16)
Part 5 (9:23)
Part 6 (6:38)
Part 7 (6:36)
The Science Behind Pole Shift: Pole Reversal would be the least of our worries as future generations would not survive long enough to see it.
Peter P. Much- talk has revolved around coming pole shifts on Earth, either physical or magnetic. Does the evidence bear out such an event happening?
An 180-degree physical inversion of the planets's solid crust around the molten core would be the ultimate cataclysmic "Earth change". However, more than a few experts find this scenario most likely only if another
planetary body - such as a 'rogue planet' or similar cosmic anomaly - passed in close proximity to the Earth, providing enough torque for such an event to occur.
A reversal of the magnetic poles is much more likely, however, as it's happened before. Seen in the paleomagnetic record, locked into rocks of the ocean floor and in some lava flows, scientists think the time between reversals on the Earth falls somewhere between every 100,000 to 25 million years, with the reversal itself taking about 5,000 years. [1]
Not that just the reversal takes that long, mind you, and therein lies the crux of the problem. No, during much of that time, the geomagnetic field strength decreases - which counts as part of the 'reversal' process. According to laboratory analysis of thermorenanent magnetization carried by clay baked in ancient times, the average global field intensity in any given region went through a broad maximum about 2,000 years ago. [2] After reaching a maximum, it then began its long descent.
NASA's Magnetic Field Satellite concurs, confirming a trend that goes back to at least 1830; namely, that the terrestrial magnetic field is decreasing in strength. At a rate measured by the satellite, the Earth's field will hit 'zero' in about 1,200 years. [3] That, at least, is the estimate.
One contributing factor to the decrease, and eventual reversal, may be intensifying core spots within the inner core that are magnetized in a sense opposite of the main field [4]; while competing energy sources, such as heat loss at the mantle-core boundary (itself possibly contributing to climate change) and growth of the inner core may also be contributing factors. [5]
As the field reaches 'zero', or close to it (some estimate the magnetic field will be at 20% of normal during a reversal), complete with periods of rapid and radical changes [6], something much more threatening than the upcoming reversal will occur.
First, as the field weakens, so does what many believe is the natural navigatory force for many living creatures. Studies have shown that whales, dolphins, birds and even mollusks and mice use the geomagnetic field as a guiding device. Some, like mice, use it as a directional guide [7]; while cetaceans use the total geomagnetic field as a map, not for directional information, as we would use a compass, but by navigating the contours of magnetic "hills and valleys" in a field that is anything but uniform. [8]
Without it, whales and dolphins would beach in record numbers, birds and other creatures would be 'lost', unable to find their home.
The effect of a magnetic reversal on humans is less known. Confusion might reign, and some theorize a complete 'reboot' of the human mind - the brain IS known to contain magnetite - might occur. However, as the field decreases (before a 'reversal'), one could surmise what may happen by looking at a recent experiment by Dr. Valerie Hunt. Hunt had a room constructed in which the magnetic field intensity could be varied. The following, as spelled out in her book, ''Infinite Mind'', was observed:
When "the magnetism was decreased, gross incoordination occurred. The entire neurological integrating mechanism was thrown off. Subjects could not balance their bodies; they had difficulty touching finger to nose or performing simple coordinated movements. They lost kinesthetic awareness."[9]
Could our bodies adjust as a much more gradual, long-term but worldwide decrease in the magnetic field intensity occurred? That may be doubtful, and if so then at what point near the conclusion of this pre-reversal descent would such incoordination sweep over the human race?
Not that it would matter for long. Now, as the Earth and its magnetosphere plows through the solar wind, the charged particles are diverted around a 'shell' created by the geomagnetic field. Without that field, high-energy particles - including dangerous gamma-, and X-rays - would penetrate completely, to the surface. If television or radio were still in use at that point in the future, transmissions would become impossible. Electric power grids would be off-line indefinitely.
And the effects on organic matter?
Gamma rays, because they are so penetrating, can have severe effects on the cells of humans and other animals. As with cosmic rays, which also bombard the Earth at all times, gamma rays are known as ionizing radiation, which can cause a host of problems from cell death to genetic mutations (leading to cancer), in any living thing. [10]
As was said before, the magnetic pole reversal itself would be the least of the worries, as it's unlikely future generations would survive long enough to see it.
Bibliography: [1] Scientific American Online, Apr 98; [2] "Geomagnetic Intensity as Evaluated from Ancient Pottery", Nature, 328:330, 1987; [3] "Magsat Down: Magnetic Field Declining", Science News, 117:407, 1980; [4] "Inner Earth Coming Out", Science News, 131:222, 1987; [5] "What Triggers Reversals of the Earth's Magnetic Field?", Nature, 309:115, 1984; [6] "How the Geomagnetic Field Vector Reverses Polarity", Nature, 316:230, 1985; [7] "Magnetic Orientation on Small Mammals", Journal of Mammalogy,
70:1, 1989; [8] "No Through Road for the Misguided Whale", New Scientist, p. 46, 12 Feb 87. [9] "Infinite Mind", Dr. Valerie Hunt, pp. 31; [10] "How Nuclear Radiation Works", BYG Publishing, 1998.