My Explorer taskbar says Hello WORLD I AM VB. How can I remove it.? I tried the rgpedit but it does not work. My history in the task bar is also being erased every time I close internet explorer.
Can someone help me?
Add info. We have a wireless connection with 2 laptops in our apt. The message: Hello world I am VB is also on my girlfriends laptop.
Was this always like this from day one? Sometimes a OEM will add their own little custom title to IE7. If not you may have a virus. I would do a very thorough scan with a antivirus program, Windows Defender, and any other anti spyware/adware programs you may have to be safe.
I ran the scans. All 3 said that my system is ok. No it was not always like this. My internet explorer bar doesn't remember any of my sites anymore. This happened some time over the weekend. If it is any help... The recent Items (Vista Start Icon) Doesn't retain any memory either after I close mycomputer. Word documents/excel/pixtures. ect.
Someone has loaded a Spy Virus on your computer using VB, Visual Basic. Scan with anti virus and/or spyware detector, reformat if necessary. Install better protection over the network.
To be safe, I would just format the whole thing clean and start over if you do not have anything you mind losing. It's about the only true way to make sure it is gone.