Help me on blueScreen Error


I already finished scan the 3 scan from Memtest 86 V3.5. Each take around 1 hours to scan and all shown ( Pass complete, no error, press Esc to Exit ). than i close when i saw that message.

Should i keep it run whole night or close when see that message ? If i doing correctly please let me know and I need your advise what is the purpose for this scan. Is it to scan whether my Pc hardware is fully function or not?


My Computer


you did it correctly. A one hour run is a short test of the memory. while you were testing did it crash?

try running a longer test, perhaps overnight. not only are we testing the ram but seeing if it crashes completely outside of windows.


My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Dell Inspiron E 1405
    [email protected]
    4 gigs
    Graphics card(s)
    integrated intel 945
    Sound Card
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    300 gig internal
    Internet Speed
    10 down 1.5 up

there are 3 type of scan. so which type should i run over night ? I will scan over night tonight and yesterday when i run the scan it seen like nothing much happen. Normal scan than completed 100%.

Do u mind tel me this type of scan is to scan what and what is the purpose ?


My Computer

Test 0 [Address test, walking ones, no cache]
Tests all address bits in all memory banks by using a walking ones address pattern.​
Test 1 [Address test, own address]
Each address is written with its own address and then is checked for consistency. In theory previous tests should have caught any memory addressing problems. This test should catch any addressing errors that somehow were not previously detected.​
Test 2 [Moving inversions, ones&zeros]
This test uses the moving inversions algorithm with patterns of all ones and zeros. Cache is enabled even though it interferes to some degree with the test algorithm. With cache enabled this test does not take long and should quickly find all "hard" errors and some more subtle errors. This test is only a quick check.​
Test 3 [Moving inversions, 8 bit pat]
This is the same as test one but uses a 8 bit wide pattern of "walking" ones and zeros. This test will better detect subtle errors in "wide" memory chips. A total of 20 data patterns are used.​
Test 4 [Moving inversions, random pattern]

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System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    AMD AM2 6000+
    Nvidia M2N-E SLI
    Graphics card(s)
    GeForce 7600GT
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    Cooler Master
    Three fans
    Dell Optical
    Dell Quietkey
    Internet Speed
    10 MBPS

I run the scan over night yesterday night and i close at this morning and with PASS 13 and Error 0 .

But i got one more issue that i need to tell you. Actually the bluescreen error is not always happen and i got second issue which is more critical which is my computer screen will freeze and totally cant move at all. Meaning to say my computer moniter screen will freeze ( cant move at all ) when i open or play half way but the CPU Still running. This wil happen sometime and when i open for few hours. Example when i run scan Memtest 86 V3.5 over night yesterday it run smoothly but when at morning when i see my moniter totally cant move and freeze. So i have to re-boot by pressing reset button. BUT after i re-start my PC and my CPU running like normally BUT my Moniter nothing come out at all. I have to re-start few time than it will back to normal.

This situation always happen after i open my pc for few hours.

I think my Pc already at a stage i need to throw ?


My Computer


I run the scan over night yesterday night and i close at this morning and with PASS 13 and Error 0 .

But i got one more issue that i need to tell you. Actually the bluescreen error is not always happen and i got second issue which is more critical which is my computer screen will freeze and totally cant move at all. Meaning to say my computer moniter screen will freeze ( cant move at all ) when i open or play half way but the CPU Still running. This wil happen sometime and when i open for few hours. Example when i run scan Memtest 86 V3.5 over night yesterday it run smoothly but when at morning when i see my moniter totally cant move and freeze. So i have to re-boot by pressing reset button. BUT after i re-start my PC and my CPU running like normally BUT my Moniter nothing come out at all. I have to re-start few time than it will back to normal.

This situation always happen after i open my pc for few hours.

I think my Pc already at a stage i need to throw ?


I had a machine have something similar to that. The monitor would only work sometimes. It would switch between no signal and working. What computer is it again? Might be a main board driver?

Im debugging your dump again. I'm going to see if I can find a direct cause or not.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Intel Neo
    Graphics card(s)
    Intergrated Intel Graphics
    Sound Card
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Screen Resolution
    1280 x 800
    Hard Drives
    Power Adapter
    It's special, it flips open :)
    Internet Speed
    Down: 16mb/s Up: 1.6mb/s
    Other Info
    I killed my HP Laptop :'(
Looks like nvlddmkm.sys is a nVidia video driver, its over a year old. Seems like thats about it. Its showing another outdated driver: spldr.sys which has something to do with the boot up process, couldn't find a definitive answer... My bet is on the nVidia driver.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Intel Neo
    Graphics card(s)
    Intergrated Intel Graphics
    Sound Card
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Screen Resolution
    1280 x 800
    Hard Drives
    Power Adapter
    It's special, it flips open :)
    Internet Speed
    Down: 16mb/s Up: 1.6mb/s
    Other Info
    I killed my HP Laptop :'(
hi CrucialHoax,

Thanks allot for your information. As you mention it should be nVidia video driver is over old is it. nVidia video driver is a sound card is it ? So should i change it ?


My Computer


the file is spldr.sys (security processor loader driver). its part of the system and though its old if it was the cause there would be other markers


My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Dell Inspiron E 1405
    [email protected]
    4 gigs
    Graphics card(s)
    integrated intel 945
    Sound Card
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    300 gig internal
    Internet Speed
    10 down 1.5 up
If you can load safe mode upload the nfo from msinfo32. Search for that in the start menu, then click file - save as.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Sony Vaio Z46GDU
    [email protected] w/6MB L2 cache 1066MHz FSB
    6GB DDR3 1066MHz SDRAM
    Graphics card(s)
    9300M GS 256MB + Intel Integrated 4500MHD
    Monitor(s) Displays
    13.1" WXGA True Colour Tough
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    320GB SATA 7200RPM
    Internet Speed
hi All,

I have to say thanks allot for your all help to advise and check what wrong with my PC. Few weeks ago i just unable to open my pc and i jsut realize that my desktop getting worst. . than i bring it to shop to repair and finally after repair they spoted the problem area of my pc and the problem area is the FAN of the intel chip was not fully attached ( screw loose ) than make the chips too hot and cause of all those issue. like blue screen and restart.

Really thanks allot

My Computer
