Thank you all.
I checked on the web and found how to change to classic view on control panel, startup, explorer etc.
Why did Microsoft decide to change something that the whole world was used to and made it harder to use is beyond me. Also is there a way to make office 2007 look like office 2003? I can't navigate with office 2007. Is there a classic look to the new office?
That is like asking why did Ford change the look and drive-ability of the 1990s Thunderbirds to the 2000s Thunderbirds - and to say the whole world was used to it is a pretty far stretch of the imagination, as that excludes Linux Users, Mac users, BSD users and those who have never used a computer before in their life.
I spoke to some computer repair technicians and IT students and they all told me to stay away from Vista. WOW! They said it is so awful that MS has decided to bring out a new OS. I was told that most of my software will not work properly even if it is Vista certified. Although I am getting a major upgrade (full graphics capability for gaming and CAD) I have decided not to risk my money on this OS. I shall wait until future SPs make it workable and then of course I shall do the plunge.
Also I checked the web and it seems most people are very upset. I guess the majority of us are not computer whiz kids or power users. We are just expecting the things we buy to work properly. I owe no allegiance to any brand or OS.
But like they say "better the devil you know...."
Anyway thank you all for your feedback and I am sure when (yes when) I finally take the plunge; you all will still be here to lend a helping hand.
PS: Yes I use my computer for work.
They also say this - an I hope it strikes home:
The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
You see all the complaints on the web because those with no complaints don't bother spending their time complaining, now do they? However, if you will look at those folks helping, like many of the people *here*, you'll also notice that there are plenty of *experts* who all agree that XP is ancient history.
The major improvements in Vista don't lie in the UI (User Interface) - while those are nice, it is what is under the hood (to coin a phrase and tick one person in particular off, if he is reading this
) that counts- the OS is a lot more stable than XP, and requires a lot ***less*** in terms of protection software installed to work correctly.
Finally, it is entirely up to as to whether you do try Vista again or not - personally, with the way you already feel about it, you're going to come in jaded every time and most likely walk away with a bad experience - but if you are truly open-minded enough, take a look at
The Mojave Experiment and see how others *just like you* were pleasantly surprised, even, at times, flabbergasted, by what Vista *can* do.
Also, my *honest* opinion is this - If you use XP for work, stick with it for another year, and wait for Windows 7 - although it will look and feel even more drastically different, it will, at the very least, be at least as speedy, if not speedier, than your current XP - and then you will have one less thing to cause you consternation as you learn a new OS.
Oh, and for the record - I have a friend who uses Windows 98. Today. Right now. He would not move to XP because of the same reasons you stated for not liking Vista....