Thanks for doing this, Richard. I'm not sure how you find out about all of them, but it's great. I think many should be added to the sticky Free Software for Vista listing that Brink keeps.
I'm having the same problem with the Giveawayoftheday thread. It gets buried so fast by more popular threads and few have posted so it isn't coming up on e-mail alerts, that it really isn't being seen. To help (I don't know if it will or not - Roy thought it was a good idea), I posted in Today about that thread (with a link to it) and included the procedure to subscribe to a thread without posting so that people would be notified when something new appeared - even more critical in my thread since the offers last only 24-hours. I've done that myself with the version published in SF (though I'm a lot more picky and post much less often). Perhaps if you did the same, it might help with visitation and quite possibly with members who could benefit from these offers if they were aware of them. Very few check all or most threads outside of management and a few of us somewhat lunatic members, and I think more would check them out if they knew about them. Just a thought.
I've downloaded quite a few you've posted here and have kept most of them - some quite pleased to have been made aware of. I'm still waiting for something that does for drivers what PCI does for software - now THAT would be a real diamond!