Yes, did it, it seems i took permisson of all files in system32, but isn't that dangerous and risky?
This taking ownership folder,subfolders and files (it wasn't taking permissions) is not dangerous,but of course normally shouldn't do like we shouldn't turn on built-in Administrator account but in extremally situation we've no choice but restoring ownership is easy unlike to restoring permissions
Can you differentiate ownership and permissions?
Of course giving to much more permissions could be dangerous (computer will be more risk virus infection) but even if you'll only give Administrators full control for
C:\Windows\System32 (and containers) permisions for this group will be the same like are natural in XP - but if you will work on XP only on limited account you will be save like to work in Vista with UAC turned on.I don't know and I think nobody know why permissions in Vista so subtle - probably is some second protection if any user don't use UAC to prevent any viruses to penetrate so deeply in the system as usually happens in XP if you working on administrative account.Of course normally we shouldn't do this also but sometimes we've no choice :huh:
And then about this part:
icacls C:\Windows\System32\*.* /grant Administrators:F /t
it says:
*C:\Windows\system32>icacls C:\Windows\System32\*.* /grant Administrators:F /t
Administrators:No assignments were made between account names and security IDs.
0 files has been treated, 1 file has not been treated.
It's strange because by me this command work perfect :huh:
and this command?:
icacls C:\Windows\System32\ /grant Administrators:F /t
But there is way (sophisticated) to diagnose losing permissions.Download and place
anywhere Process Monitor
Process Monitor
Run it and try run event viewer - of course you have no chance to do it but it is not concern at the moment ->the main meaning is allow Process Monitor see what kind of problem you have trouble.After all save log in Process Monitor as a *.PML file.
It will be better if I'll see this log myself but because it will be too big to attache here pack this file to *.zip and upload it on
Speedy Share - upload your files here
Any changing permissions will do manually