Yes it is very confusing as there is no reasoning behind the problem , the downloads go as usual , they download completely , then you sometimes see the window (in Vista) coping files but you NEVER see the "download complete" window the copy window just closes.
Now if you have it set to just close the window after download is complete it does that so thats not abnormal but mine is not set to do that so i never get the completed window it just closes. So I guess they never really complete even though it shows them fully downloaded right before it closes.
and as I have stated I have selected maybe 30 places to download the files to including all 3 HDD's , several folders on each drive , network places (my server) , flash drives....everywhere I can think of , the downloads just will not work.
and @ delphin , sorry it took so long to get to try this...blast that Counterstrike and Gary's mod!! lol
I made the reg string and added the path to a download folder and it still will not work
, however I thank you very much for your suggestion and will keep that idea/tip handy as that could come in useful down the road.
I also ran sfc /scannow and it found no problems , I also ran the file checker at boot and set it to auto fix errors...nada.
and now the autorun will not work for their CD/DVDrom , I have checked all the settings and they are spot on it just will NOT autorun , you have to go to my computer and run it from the disk location....BAH!!
All this crap probably came from my daughters my space , I loathe that site as we have to monitor it constantly!! But she is a great 15 year old kid and is keeping her GPA up and is taking advanced classes so I can't take it away.
Well thanks for the suggestions all i was hopeing that one of the others in this thread may have solved their problem and might share the fix but more then likely this kind of issue can only be fixed with a system reinstall.
I just wish I knew what caused it.
thanks again for the try's y'all!!