You really give me way too much credit. I really am an idiot when it comes to this stuff. I even made my username to show that I have no clue what I'm doing and know virtually nothing. I have to say it really sucks being as uneducated as I am. I really wish I knew more (I'm not sure if more is the right word because that would imply I knew something), but I wouldn't even know how or where to start without confusing myself further.
So anyway, I'd have absolutely no idea how to build my own computer or even what parts I would need to buy, which parts are the best and/or most price-efficient or how to put them all together. I'm sure it's not as hard as I think it is, after all I thought installing a new hard drive would be hard, but that was pretty simple. However because I lack so much knowledge of computer parts I'm just not sure if it would be a good idea for me to even attempt it.
As far as Windows7 goes I'll be completely honest, I don't know a thing about it other than it's coming. I don't know the price, I don't know the date, I don't the features, I don't know the pros/cons, and I probably wouldn't even know how to install it from a previous version of Windows. So, I'll say it again, it really sucks being as dumb/ignorant as I am.
So here's another stupid question. When I search RAM Stick on newegg I just get a bunch of memory sticks. Are they the same? And what kind would I need? I see a bunch of different kinds on there. But from the descriptions it looks like memory sticks are just for storing images and stuff, like an SD card or flash drive and I don't see what that would do to help me.
On that note, what exactly is a RAM stick and how will it help me? Since you said to try it in one of the slots I assume it goes on the outside, right? Now one thing I do know is that RAM is something like the memory of the computer and I don't think keeping that on an outside slot would be smart at all, but again neither am I when it comes to this, so maybe I have the wrong idea here.