BSOD on boot

with kaspersky, i can see eaglent.sys being made and any game that wants to run the driver show up, but im not sure whats causing it to glitch...

going to upload dmp file, want the xml and stuff too?

i'll upload the sys file too if i can make it

My Computer

bsods are happening again on boot, im getting all sorts of weird stop error codes.. and none of them are making dmp files because the bluescreen on one of another....., oh and my pc sometimes doesnt restart on bluescreen, sometimes just stops as soon as i turn it on where it says HP.... and... yea........ i think its time for a new pc..., dual harddrive i hope so i can move one hd to the other to see what happens

My Computer

EagleNT.sys belongs to AhnLab HackShield - it shows up in the Properties of the file.
Uninstall that program immediately!!!
Then turn off Driver Verifier and see what happens.

My Computer

EagleNT.sys belongs to AhnLab HackShield - it shows up in the Properties of the file.
Uninstall that program immediately!!!
Then turn off Driver Verifier and see what happens.
no no, you dont understand

eaglent.sys is NEEDED for ahnlab hackshield to run, and ahnlab hackshield is needed to run or else NONE of the games that use that protection will run, it'll say im hacking or ahnlab failed or w.e =/, thats the only time hacksheld acts up, though im getting some other bsods, i'll upload the dmps if it happens again, maybe its just random....

also, not sure how to turn off driver verifier o_O...., i can only turn it on...
oh and hackshield isnt installed... the games have it :D.. well, hackshield is in the files, also it works on my other laptop >_>

My Computer

Open up Driver Verifier
Click the "Delete existing settings" button
Click on "Finish"

As for HackShield, if it's needed - then uninstall the current copy that you have.
Then download a fresh copy and install it.
That should remove any corruption that's present in the HackShield files.

My Computer

well, i managed to fix it somehow, i think by turning off verifier as well as using windows update to reupdate my graphics driver somehow made it fixed o_o... i no longer get an error from eaglent.sys and i came home w.o a bluescreen... i'll wait for a week and see if i still get bluescreens, ty to u guys :D

My Computer

I'd suggest a wipe of the hard drive with KillDisk or DBAN
Then install Windows clean without any additional programs (except for an antivirus).
Get all critical Windows Updates - don't get any of the optional one's

My Computer

my pc is now doing something new, failing to even try to boot, getting a bluescren is harder than getting it to start, and also for some reason my fan is being loud as hell, i took a look at it and found it was just vibrating agaisnt the side of my case...

My Computer

Starting to look like a hardware problem to me.
Try these bootable diagnostics:
H/W Diagnostics:
Please start by running these bootable hardware diagnostics:
Memory Diagnostics (read the details at the link)
HD Diagnostic (read the details at the link)

Also, please run one of these free, independent online malware scans to ensure that your current protection hasn't been compromised: Malware (read the details at the link)

My Computer

i did memtest and found nothing wrong...
maybe my harddrive, but actually i think its my integrated card thats screwing things up, since my bsods are only leading to my graphics driver... and they've been updated/downgraded etc, for now the pc boots as long as i dont turn off the power bar, sometimes wont boot, but hey :o, i'll just custom build a new one, win7 ftw

My Computer

ok, major problem, sometimes when i boot (like right now), nvidia drivers are crapping out (i think) and the device fails to run, so on my monitor, i can already see that it wont run when vista boots up since everything on my monitor has been shifted... now... problem is this is an integrated card...

My Computer

ok new scenario, HP invent loads up when i start up computer like normal, but doesnt advance... and i can just tap the power button and it'll turn off..., normally have to hold it.... also, sometimes it wont even preboot o_o

My Computer

must be the mobo... since its an integrated card.... guess i cant do anythign about that so.... i'll buy new parts and build a new one, not under warantee anymore... anyway to connect SATA cables to a laptop so i can retrieve my data?...

also, win7 32bit or 64bit

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