Thought I had something typed here...oh well.
I had a couple of things to say here.
1. Last night I got helped by a Dell guy and he took online control of my laptop and installed necessary drivers, so that I had internet, wireless internet, my awesome resolution back, the webcam and dvd player. Said all other utilities are useless and will slow down my comp. 'Course I was like, well this is subjective, because I don't consider the dell dock useless and the touchpad features, like zooming and scrolling useless...features of which, do not EVEN appear on the Dell site when I put in my service tag code. They list 36 things, and among them are application files and zip files. Honestly though, I'm not done extracting all the app files, and have not touched the zip files (I guess there are app files in the zip files, or something).
However I did fully utilize the drivers and utilities Dell cd, and there were only 2 other dell cds those being for the camera and dvd, which the guy installed. The dell dock and touchpad features were nowhere on the drivers+utilities cd.
What's wierder is some of the things on the dell resource cd (drivers and utilities cd) had things my laptop could not even run or install, lol, like software for a 1515 wireless adapter since my computer was made with one like 1310 or something. So, why would this disc say on it it has things already installed on the computer when it cannot install this one thing (since the way it was made prevents it from installing)? There I think is no other driver that couldn't be installed, just that one.
Would anyone happen to know which drivers are for the dell dock and touchpad zooming + side scrolling?
2. You said I can make a recovery drive/partition (I don't know why I still don't know the difference, even after research, but I guess a partition is just part of a drive) with the vista cd and/or dell cds, but I don't think this is true. Windows just installs windows if I'm not mistaken, not a recovery drive on the pc.
3. Out of curiosity what does it mean to have something added to your recovery drive? Is it just a matter of dragging some files to it, so that when the computer is imaged, those added things will appear in the new state? For example, when someone pcrestore's their laptop from the E drive, it will be brought back to the state at which he bought it, and when he bought it, he already had a bunch of things installed to it, so if he wanted to add his favorite scanner to the recovery drive, and he images, will the newly imaged computer state have the scanner installed into it? I'm guessing yes, but just making sure. Also is 305205 MB the size limit for windows vista? When it asked me to pick a size for it while I was booting the laptop from the vista CD, it asked me for the size I want it to be. I have 320 GB hard drive, but it had listed 305205 MB for vista, which equals about 300 GB when you divide it by 1024. I guess the other 20 was meant for the recovery drive...which I no longer have.