No idea, I blame it on a greek word called Stochastic.
As someone new to the world of random computer crashes, there's a lot of very small code that can do this stuff, the only way you will end up getting a definitive answer will be learning some code, reading a lot and digging into the SDK for windows vista x64. Its really complicated.
My random guess would be you didn't run into the memory problem because XP uses so much less memory, even though its a hog compared to 2000.
Just a guess though, and again, this all came up as a POSSIBLE solution.
And apparently there is a problem with AMD chips anyway, I just saying you might want to make your life easier by cutting it back to 4gb, and/or setting the affinity.
You can just leave it at 6 and never try to cut back the memory if you like.
You dont have to change the affinity if you don't want to.
Just trying to give you other options than "wait for AMD to come out with a patch" or, Windows 7 to go live, or backdate your system to xp 64.
What really sucks, and here was one that made me go crazy was, Battlefield 2/2142 wont play on some laptops but will on others. ANSWER: for some reason Battlefield checks for refresh rate on start up, if your laptop under vista does not have it set to 60hz the game auto crashes. You have to go into the settings in my documents and change it.. Here is the insane part, Under xp it doesn't do that. Vista apparently sets the cards on 2 of my laptops to 59Hz and 63Hz but not XP....
WHY you may ask ?
I blame vista for being Stochastic