Power User
At 1024x768, the memory interface difference doesn't mean anything. The extra 4 cores an 8400GS has will make up for it.
The point is you're saying just because a card can't max a game out, it's junk. Anyone who has an 8400GS obviously isn't an enthusiast and wouldn't care about maxing games out, and even then, it's not the graphics that make a game good.
You said your 9800GTX can run games fine, Mansrm said his 8400GS can run the games he listed fine...maybe not at full graphics, but that's something else.
Im not saying the 8400GS is junk because it can't max out games, I'm saying its junk when it comes to gaming as its not made for gaming.
And the previous person saying he can run the games fine is like saying:
"Hey I can run Vista on my P4 1.8Ghz with 1GB ram"
Sure, you can run it, but it won't run well, and you won't be running it with most of the Vista-esque features.