question: even thou it is booting from cd/dvd I have just restarted it without the disc in and its saying BOOTMGR is missing but how can that be if it is booting from the cd and it is working!! that is puzzling me somewhat!!
Also if I was to use a Samsung recovery disc in the laptop with it now having a Samsung new hard drive, would that disc install do you think? It is a Windows 7 disc thou so not sure, what do you think!
When the system boots, it looks at each device in order to find boot files (that list of the boot priortiy order that you posted earlier). It goes until it finds boot stuff, then it tries to boot.
So, in this case, without the installation DVD in the tray, it would skip the CD/DVD and move on to the hard drive. It accessed the hard drive and wasn't able to find a copy of the BOOTMGR file - so it spit out an error stating this. Since there are no other devices available to boot from , it stops there.
You may try to fix the BOOTMGR file by using this procedure: Dunno if it'll work, but it's worth a try before you bring it in to the shop (because the shop will probably try this first). In particularly stressful conditions it's advisable to try Startup Repair 3 times - rebooting between each try.
The make of the hard drive doesn't affect which recovery disk you can use.
Please see my next PM.
I went into the DISKPART to check and on the List Volume it reads as follows:
Volume 0 F DVD.of.2 CDFS DVD.ROM 4156mb Healthy
Volume 1 C Recovery NTFS Partition 9GB Healthy
Volume 2 D System NTFS Partition 1500mb Healthy
Volume 3 E Vista NTFS Partition 287GB Healthy
Volume 4 G Removeable 0b No Media
So is this saying what exactly....the harddrive is functioning as it should?....something is installed?..(I did try installing via safemode) humm
Oh I read the PM and will give it a try I think! once you reply back to me via PM ... to my question :-)
All this says is that the drive istates that it is healthy (not always reliable, but usually is) and that there are these partitions.
It doesn't tell you anything about the contents of the drive(s), nor the health of the file system on the drive - which is what is needed to figure out the details of the BOOTMGR error and other problems.
What is good to see is that there is a Recovery Partition. Have you tried to use it to restore Vista?
Try tapping F10 repeatedly after the first post screen shows up - and continue to do so until the message "Starting System Recovery" shows up.
Then select the System Recovery - Quick Format option and see what it does (we may get lucky!)
unfortunately it did not work :-( I went to do an image of samsung computer and omg it was gonna take around 11 discs 54gb.....I thought imaging was less hassle than a full backup!! Well I have decided to first purchase which I was gonna do anyway an external hard drive 1TB and then I can back up all computers in house on it plus put my videos and photos too....saves on having hundreds of discs around the house :-) Then I may try other solution ;-) and if that dont work then take it in to PC World cos no other choice then
I have managed to do a backup image of another computer onto an external hard drive and make a recovery disc how do I transfer from external hard drive as I put in the recovery disc, chose country but not sure where else to go with it as I plugged in the external hard drive which is detected in computer but I have opened every file but nothing carries it on to re install onto new hard drive...any ideas to help please
it came from my samsung laptop after doing the backup image onto external hard drive it asked if i wanted to do a recovery dvd so i did....tried it in advent comes up asks for country then thats as far as can get as it says no system image found but it wouldnt any cos its a new hard drive so its blank
The recovery disk from the Samsung is made so that it accesses the recovery partition on the Samsung system. So trying it in the Advent (without any recovery partition) isn't going to work. Well, it was a good try anyway!
Is there an option somewhere in there to point it at the image on the removable hard drive? I presume that you used the Samsung computer to make the image?
it says if device wanted not there press advanced which you can search for as it shows up the 'My Computer' which shows the external hard drive when I click on it it shows me everything on the external hard drive and I can access the folder with backup I created but I clicked on every file but nothing seems to pop up that will work. So not sure how you supposed to access it then cos if i was to say replace my samsung hard drive then how would I be able to get that back up and running if I carnt access it now!!