Steps 15 and 16 are to install Server 2008 updates adding SHA-2 support. (The last few versions of the extended kernel also require that.) Step 17 is a hack and .ru is Russia.
The guide was intentionally created and tested with only the 64-bit version of Windows Vista SP2.
I chose not to create and test the guide with both the 32-bit and 64-bit version because it would have been too time consuming and would have greatly increased its size and number of webpage links.
Thanks for advising the guide worked fine for you with the 32-bit version.
Steps 15 and 16 are to install Server 2008 updates adding SHA-2 support. (The last few versions of the extended kernel also require that.) Step 17 is a hack and .ru is Russia.
Thanks Vistaar. Do you know specifically which updates those are? I had stopped short of adding all the Server 2008 updates, I think because either I had a problem with one of them or my hard drive crashed, and currently don't have any installed. I do have copies of all the updates. I don't know if there's prior updates that need to be installed first.
It will remain a hack from Russia no matter how many places the download is posted without attribution. Since when do you even approve of installing Server 2008 updates? You argued against that for years, even inventing false reasons why Vista users shouldn’t try that, and should instead be content with those April 2017 patches that you were always so obsessive about. Meanwhile, support for Server 2008 ended in January 2020, which is why you will never again see me suggest that Vista users could be more secure if they install more patches from Microsoft. Vista will always be insecure no matter what patches they might install because old patches only protect against old threats! 2022 is just around the corner. The average Vista user now lives in China (and uses a Chromium browser that is much better than your old favorite Firefox 52). If some senile English-speaking person wants to reinstall Vista now, you should tell them to forget it and buy a new Windows 11 PC - not try to impress them with your knowledge of hacks that you will never use yourself.
Yes. Why do you suddenly think you need SHA-2 support? Neither your legacy browsers nor your legacy antivirus have any need for it, and you successfully updated your Vista to EOL back in 2019 when no hack was needed.
Thanks for your advice. I'll leave everything alone since it hums right along.
Anyone getting Win 11 should research the system requirements (such as TMU 2) carefully. Microsoft is being super restrictive in regards to those for security reasons and they still haven't hammered out the final requirements.
So now you are posting about expropriation of ESU updates intended for enterprise customers running Server 2008 who PAID for a legitimate ESU license!? Is that what the Vista “community” has degenerated to now? Hacks and larceny just to prove it can be done? Would running a newer version of Windows really be worse than that?