There's no need to disable system restore as it could help with problems like this, have a look at this tutorial, at the link below, if you're concerned about how much HDD space it takes up.
Hi, and thanks for your reply, i know disabling services in vista isn't a good idea, but some of them are really useless and can safely be disabled, but i think i went to far on some point :D I'm now running on a brand new installation of Vista Ultimate. Finally! gpedit! So the cmd problem is history.
I want to thank everybody helping me
I had the same problem where clicking on Start > Run or trying to open a cmd.exe would take ages to open. For some reason this was caused by having both US and UK keyboard layouts in my regional settings. Once I removed the US one and just had one layout, it started working normally and I can open the Run box/cmd.exe in an instant