Bypassing 'Show Desktop' bug in RocketDock

Bypassing 'Show Desktop' bug in RocketDock

This tutorial will show an easy way to bypass RocketDock of minimizing too when pressing the 'Show Desktop' button.

1. Make a new Text Document.

2. Enter the following lines into the document:

Set shell = wscript.CreateObject("Shell.Application")

3. Save the document.

4. Rename the document to a VBscript file. (ex. Minimize.vbs)

5. Put the file in your Documents folder. (or somewhere where it won't be deleted)

6. Make a shortcut of the file and put it on your desktop.

7. Right Click and select 'Properties'

8. Go to the 'Shortcut' tab.

8. Press 'Change Icon'.

9. Put this line in the browse tab:


10. Select the Desktop icon.

11. Go to the tab 'General' and change the name to 'Show Desktop'.

12. Save settings.

Et voilà, you have a 'Show Desktop' that doesn't minimize RocketDock.


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Thank You! I've always wondered what was up with Rocket Dock disappearing. This fix worked Great!

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System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
It would be really helpful if you would further explain step #4. I need specific instructions. Thanks!
When you save the file make the filename "minimise.vbs" and change the drop down box from *.txt to all files.

Thanks for the tutorial Axon.It worked great

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Toshiba Satellite Pro l300
    Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 550 @ 2.00GHz
    Intel Corp. 88395664Q
    DDR2, PC2-5300 (333 MHz), 1024 MBytes, Hyundai Electronics,DDR2, PC2-5300 (333 MHz), 2048 MBytes, Ap
    Graphics card(s)
    Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family
    Sound Card
    Realtek HD Audio
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Matte screen
    Screen Resolution
    1024 x 768 x 4294967296 colors
    Hard Drives
    120gb SATA 2.5inch FUJITSU MHZ2120BH G1 ATA Device
    Fan cooled
    Logitech Cordless Optical
    Logitech Cordless Desktop EX110
    Internet Speed
    Other Info
    I like Spore,Rabbits and I'm a Computer Freak.
Thanks for this fix.

But there is one problem with it.

I use xfire (online gaming chat tool)

Because of this script the main window of xfire never minimizes to the system tray... The chat windows do, but not the main window :S

Is there a way to make it also minimize like it would with the original "show desktop" button???

Thanks in advance ; )

My Computer

I got this to work and am very happy. There were two bits I had trouble with. First, I wasn't sure which icon to choose. The tutorial didn't have a picture of the Desktop icon. So I just picked one I thought was evocative of the desktop. It seems that step is not critical to success.

The second thing is more important. The tutorial needs one more step.

Step 13. Unlock your rocketdock if necessary, and drag your shortcut onto the rocketdock. Relock if desired.

My Computer


You should know how it looks like, because you are replacing it....

Second, the chose of making it avaiable on your rocketdock is yours.
So draging it to it is optional. We are talking here about replacing the "show desktop" icon in the quick launch bar on the right of the "start/windows" button.

My Computer

i'm having trouble coz i'm a noob...sorry....same as the one way above.
I don't know which is the desktop icon and i don't know how to use this fix
where should i put the shortcut? how can i use it if it's in the desktop...isn't it that it suppose to replace the original show desktop at the right-bottom?
again sorry for being stupid...tnx :)

My Computer

2. Enter the following lines into the document:

Set shell = wscript.CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Actually, if you enter the following code block instead of the line given in point 2, then you can use the same button to Minimize and Restore the position of the windows....
const IniFile [B]=[/B] "ShowDesktopButton.ini"
Set objShell [B]=[/B] wscript.CreateObject[B]([/B]"Shell.Application"[B])[/B]
Set objFSO [B]=[/B] CreateObject[B]([/B]"Scripting.FileSystemObject"[B])[/B]
if objFSO.fileexists[B]([/B]IniFile[B])[/B] then
    Set objFileToRead [B]=[/B] objFSO.OpenTextFile[B]([/B]IniFile[B],[/B][B]1[/B][B],[/B]true[B])[/B]
    strFileText [B]=[/B] objFileToRead.ReadAll[B]()[/B]
    Set objFileToRead [B]=[/B] Nothing
    Set objFileToWrite [B]=[/B] objFSO.OpenTextFile[B]([/B]IniFile[B],[/B][B]2[/B][B],[/B]false[B])[/B]
    if strFileText [B]=[/B] [B]1[/B] Then
    end if
    Set objFileToWrite [B]=[/B] Nothing
    Set objFileToWrite [B]=[/B] objFSO.OpenTextFile[B]([/B]IniFile[B],[/B][B]2[/B][B],[/B]true[B])[/B]
    Set objFileToWrite [B]=[/B] Nothing
end if
Set objFSO [B]=[/B] Nothing
Set objShell [B]=[/B] Nothing
Follow the remaining points of the list as the same...

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