Hey everybody i fixed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i bent the pins back! put it in........heard the sound -beep- my heart pretty much stopped when i was my desktop......the core temps are fine, no thermal paste, ima burn the paste for doing this =/
im so happy
ide take pictures but i seriously dont wanna unscrew my pc case like i said.
You do realize, doing what you did, after we all told you not to attempt it, would have possibly fried your entire system, motherboard, video card, hard drive, everything....and you still did it?
If I were you I would shut it down immediatley, and leave it off... that CPU in there with a missing pin, at anytime could fry your entire computer. I understand your 15 and a lil antsy about wanting to play your games and stuff, but i'd rather pay a couple hundred bucks or so for a new CPU, then over $1000 for a whole new computer because I was too impatient and thought I knew better and took the risk anyway. Shut off the computer, and wait till you have bought a new CPU....
THEN, follow the instructions, to the T in the Arctic Silver instructions (Because you did not follow them correctly the first time) and apply thermal paste to your new CPU,. then attach the heatsink/fan correctly aswell. Take your time, be patient, and do not be rough. Follow directions, look things over, figure out how they are suppose to go.
If you need a walk through, make a post and im sure we can help you....
Remember, it was YOU who broke the CPU, not the Thermal Paste...it boggles me to see you still blaming the thermal paste on your broken CPU Pin....the only thing to blame for that is you.