Solved Black screen in IE, fonts...


I don't even know where to start. Or how to search for this one.

Everything boots up 100% fine, navigation through files & folders - perfect. The computer is not slow. The only program is going into Internet Explorer OR Google Chrome, getting out on the web.

When I open Internet Explorer, I get this:


That little line is a cursor flashing. When I type something, the cursor moves as I am typing, as shown in this next screen shot:


I tried doing a system restore, and no matter what restore point I chose, It wont restore. But in the next screen shot, see how the "font" in the very top?


I reset IE to defaults, changed color schemes, changed themes, and even tried a different browser (Google chrome).

Now, google chrome worked - but those fonts & odd characters? It happens in Google Chrome. I can't read anything because of it.

I ran virus scanners, malware & spyware checks. (Kaspersky, Malwarebytes, and SuperAntiMalware).

What is the problem???

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My Computer

Try going into system restore in safe mode. Then go back a week before the problem.

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Thanks. Just went into safe mode, and thought I should see if the problem still happens in safe mode. Now in safe mode, it doesn't come up completely black, but it does come up PURE WHITE now. And then I went to do a system restore, and still get the funky characters at the top, and unsuccessful.

So the fact it doesn't work correctly in safe mode too, means....???

My Computer

I dont like the fact that you have the problem with 2 browsers, even in safe mode. Safe mode problems usually point to hardware, but this does not sound like a hardware problem.
Sounds like a network problem. Go to search by the start button, type device manager. In manager look for small yellow marks or open trees indicating a problem. If none go to network adapters and update the driver.

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Nope. No conflicts, and I tried to update the network card anyway (not sure why) and it said I am using the latest drivers.

I'm also a techie of 15+ years, never seen this type of problem.

I reinstalled google chrome, and still get the funky characters:


Then I tried to install Mozilla, and even that's screwed up:


I typed in the address bar, and it comes up blank, but actually does go there. So I just can't see what I am typing.

What the heck is going on!

Any other ideas?
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I used MalwareBytes and SuperAntiSpyware. The computer runs perfectly fine. Its not even a bit slow. Damn!

I mean, if it doesn't even work in safe mode!

I am out of luck, arent i? :(

My Computer

Just a thought, if wireless, did you try another computer?
If wired try hooking up another computer, lets try to limit the possible causes.
You are not out of luck. If we determine it is not hardware, we can get you up and running.
Can you bring it to a WI-FI spot and try your computer there?

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    DSL provided by ATT
Thanks for sticking through this with me :)

Its a desktop, and its hard wired. And my 2nd desktop works fine (hardwired). To give you more news about the scenario, my brother brought this over to me cause it doesnt work at his house. So its not the network here.

What's next? :)

My Computer

Have stuff you want to save? If so save it, then we move on.

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If your stuff is saved, I was thinking of a factory restoration. Easier than a reformat, but same idea. Interested?

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    DSL provided by ATT
Yeah, but I know how to do that. I'm a 15 year techie as well, that's why its pis*in' me off that I can't figure this one out. I was hoping you had another tweaking idea. I see the drive D: is a factory restore partition, maybe I can just run that. Any other ideas?

Thanks for responding, btw.... no one else did, even on the other 2 message boards.

My Computer

I dont know about the other boards, but everyone here gives 100% to all questions. Your question is rather unique, however, and although I took a chance the others may have wanted to have more confidence in their response.
You can run the restoration partiton or just reinstall if you have a CD.
Either way, there will be a lot of upadates.
Have you thought about going with Seven? I have Seven and its awesome.

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Even if there is another solution, based upon your experience, it may be best to save the time, and just get it done. That has to be your call, however.

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    DSL provided by ATT
I guess I am going to have to then. I just wanted the "ANSWER" so if I ran across it again I would know how to solve it. Well, thanks for the assistance anyway.

My Computer

Ok, well, now the factory restoration ONLY allows me to erase all personal files. Ugh! And since Vista doesn't have a recovery console, the only thing I can do is reformat. I seriously think its a font problem - a major font problem. I have checked out this link:

Restoring Vista fonts

That didn't even do it. If only I can re-install the fonts, I believe it may work. Do you have any ideas for re-installing fonts?

I can't even re-install vista over the top of what's there now because it if I do it from CD upon startup, or within Windows, it wants to rename Windows to Windows.old and make a new install. I just want to either install over the top, or fix the fonts. ARGH!

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    DSL provided by ATT
I know about the full install.... But that's part of the problem.... My CD does give me the option to click "Install Now".

When I boot from CD, all I can choose is what hard drive to install it onto, and when I choose "C:" drive, it tells me its going to install Windows into another folder. I don't get the screen that says "Check Compatibility Online" or "Install Now". Why is that?

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